Hey Blizzard, Remove Your Animations In Battlegrounds

I can’t tell you how often I’ve either played or seen a streamer play a build that requires significant APM or animations via procs. Many players don’t even really care about animations and just want to see the action and stop lagging out. The other day I was watching a streamer and his turn took so long that he beat the entire lobby (with 4 people left) and won the game by the time the animations stopped. Either give us the ability to disable animations entirely or have the game disable them when they become excessive.

Also, APM pirate builds thank you if you decide to give us the ability to remove animations entirely.


In many different situations, the entertainment (during the tour at the tavern) wastes our time and it is disturbing.

In combat, the animations don’t bother me.

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Yes, stop rewarding cheaters. I’d at least like to see the option to disable animations. Many people “cheat” by disconnecting from the game to get an extra 60+ seconds for their turn. This is a problem, especially when a player that builds an animated build is the one DCing and then sucking their opponents time. It’s literally cheating in this case. Option to disable animations for longer turns, please and thank you.

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