Heroic Brawl Odds and Why

Ah, ty, I thought they got smart and realized they could fleece a whole bunch of sheep better than they can skin a single one, but alas I am wrong.


I don’t see the language because I’ve no interest in losing my money in this awful event.

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it’s not even that bad of odds if you are a good player. I played it yesterday and I also watched two different friends play it as well and all three of us were up against completely free to play bronze-gold rank scrubs for our firs 3-4 games.
I went 8/3, one friend went 10/3 the other went 11/3 and none of us played Frost DK, we just played our own homebrews with slight tweaks to target aggro players.

Those statistics you are posting don’t really count for players with good fundamental skill, if you are good at the game you should easily get a fair amount of wins unless you just get bad luck with unfavorable matchups or draw.

Ehhh, gold is still an option. Its legitimately not worth the gold either, but just correcting that you dont need to spend money for this mode.


But using gold here means you are likely paying money for miniset, so I see it all as money from my chair.

In game resources have value.


Gonna say i cruised to 12 wins with big demon hunter and man 57 packs, 1800 gold, 3 legendaries and some dust

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Except there’s also at least a pack. :stuck_out_tongue: So it’s even a better deal if one really wants that skin.

Compared to the previous sentiment, that’s an improvement. :grinning: Maybe for some, life is a better teacher…

PS I’ll also add this here (sorry for self-quotation, but don’t wanna repeat myself yet again), in case someone hasn’t figured out what the deal with these ‘heroic’ brawls is:

congrats that deck shall make top legend

Hey there,
maybe I´m too thick or am missing something, but I really don´t get why some people here are so angry with heroic brawl. I mean, no one is pointing gun at you, forcing you to spend gold and enter this brawl, right? (Right?! If that is the case, please, blink twice, I´ll call police!)

So, to sumarize, you pay 1000g (voluntarily!) and you get guaranteed:

  1. Hero skin. There issome other one in the shop at the moment ant the price is… TA DAAA… 1000g.
  2. On top of that, at least one standard pack ( you get one even for 0 wins, right?)
  3. And last but not least, chance to get much better rewards, including another hero skin.

All others, who opt not to pay 1000g, get one free standard pack for playing ANY one game. I believe you even don´t need to win that game, just play?

This is win-win-win-win for everyone. Win for those who want just hero skin - they pay standard price and get it with bonus. Win for those who don´t want to spend any gold - they get their weekly free pack evenmore easily than usual. Win for those who like tough competition and the thrill from little bit of gambling. And win for Blizzard as well - I think it is quite good marketing.

Look, i know what they are trying to achieve by doing such event just before releasing a miniset. I´m not that naive. But I think they are fairly open about that, right? They anounced the event some two or three weeks in advance. The rules are clear and you know exactly what you get. Of course they want to squezze some extra money from you, after all they are private company whose purpose is to, well, make money. Can you blame them for that?

So, once again, why such disdain? I mean, if you are so weak that you let them trick yourself to spend gold even if you don´t want, well, that is you problem not them. In that case I have only one advice for you - entrust your money to someone who will take better care of it.


I propose we shall make it
“Win 12 Heroic Brawl” without limiting to one run.

I got two runs so far with pure Pally, that’s only 4:3 and 5:3…

something shiny for people who likle having something “rare”

if they ever decide to sell that skin on the store those few players who got it after 12 wins are going to have a metldown


I don’t see how that benefits blizzard’s pockets, so I fail to see how your suggestion changes a developer’s mind.

Oh, this is one thing I don´t understand. IMHO they would do much better if they scrap all that exclusivity thing and just do 12 wins total.
Take the DioBrando example above. He has already spent 2k gold and got 9 wins total. Seeing that getting 12 straight wins is basicaly impossible for him he might be done. But getting 3 more wins with one more run seems very doable, so he may opt to pay 1k more.
And I bet there will be much much more players who even don´t try past the first run, but they might be willing to go for 2nd skin if that would be more reachable.
I really believe that would be much much more beneficial to Blizzard than creating this artificial exclusivity. Not to mention what Boreas said about selling it later…


Blizzard seems to listen to streamers like Zeddy etc.
If only they can advocate for a better heroic brawl.

It is a cosmetic, you don’t need this reward to enjoy the game. Why can’t you accept that there are rewards that rewards whales and people who are good and invest a good amount of money?

Eh, because it’s still exploitative. I’d rather them put that on a limited time “get 12 consecutive ranked wins in standard” rather than winning 12 in a game mode that costs $10 to try and is only there for a limited time.

It is basically the trifecta of exploitative marketing.

Exclusive thing
Time limited
Buy as many as you need! (Could be unlimited)


Even if you’re right, but what is the problem with that? I mean it’s just a cosmetic and not really needed to enjoy the game. I have no problem with a guy, who spent x amount of bucks to get it. I don’t need it, but I respect that there are players who want this to feel exclusive and I am fine with that. This feeling is as old as humanity itself, that’s why this marketing works.

The exploitative nature of it is the problem.

It encourages people to drain their resources for something not even close to guaranteed (frankly is highly unlikely) just before the mini set, which encourages them to spend more.

It’s wrong in the same way casinos cause massive damages to people with gambling problems.


If they can’t resist, yeah, but that’s their own choice, isn’t it?

Would also be better if wasnt time limited.
Like still 12 wins in single run, but ANY heroic brawl

But hey wouldnt be fomo and have people waste all their golds chasing it right before miniset

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It’s their own choice, but it’s being knowingly manipulated and is most effective against vulnerable populations.

It’s not that difficult to not be this exploitative. They could have easily made it 12 wins total and at least that would place a realistic cap on how expensive the portrait could become.