Here is the proof BOTs are created by Blizzard

BOTs are playing wild cards like Flame Geyser (Journey to Un’Goro) and Cat Trick (One Night in Karazhan) in STANDARD now (since yesterday)… These cards are part of the new core set, but not available yet. As we don’t have access to the new core set, the only explanation is these BOTs are created by Blizzard playing non-standard cards by mistake.

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I don’t play Standard, so I can’t really test this, but I do seem to recall that during previous rotations the pre-rotation patch allowed discoveries to be of the new core set (and thus cards that weren’t “legal” just yet). Were these cards created by another card, by any chance?


Mage bot played coin + Flame Geyser on turn 1,
hunter bot played coin + Cat Trick secret on turn 1,
so these cards aren’t created or discovered,
they are in their deck from the beginning.

You’ll need proof for that? A video will do.

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Just play standard, you will encounter many bots and see these cards with your own eyes.

One would think that their official statement saying they are adding bots to the lowest ranks to shorten the waiting queue would be proof enough.


Unfortunately this happened in platinum and diamond as well yesterday.

My bad. It was low MMR, not ranks. You can be platinum with low MMR.

I didn’t know there was a statement from Blizzard.
Reporting these accounts for botting (like many posts suggest) doesn’t make any sense in this case, since they are official Blizzard bots, I guess? : D

While new core cards cant be included in decks, they can be discovered. Pre-patch changes available cards for discover effects.


If a mage bot plays coin + Flame Geyser on turn 1, Flame Geyser obviously wasn’t discovered. The problem is, these bots have already new core cards in their deck.

Proof. You need to show proof. Watch this:

“I encountered a bot today. I knew it was a rigged bot, too. I knew this because it was Turn 1 and they started with coin + Cat Trick. Don’t believe me? Go play Standard.”

Now I said the same thing, so it must be true, right? Or, maybe I need to provide actual evidence other than hearsay.

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I don’t NEED to do anything. If you don’t believe me, it’s your problem. Everyone who plays standard and faces bots will see this sooner or later. This issue has to be fixed. Bye

If they have a generic name like ”sillygoose” ”madcow” or “happybear” and you can’t befriend them when the match is over because they don’t appear in your recently played list; then you are playing against a Blizzard bot. They have been doing this for a while, it is no secret, and you will only find one when your MMR is low and there aren’t enough people with your MMR available for you to play with. You would have to deal with longer waiting times otherwise and in Blizzard’s view, a long queue is potentially a cancelled queue and a closed game.


You came to a public forum. It’s a two way street. If I have to deal with crazy people with conspiracy theories without proof, you have to deal with me disagreeing and demanding proof to back up your claims.



Cestea… I don’t want you to believe me. I really don’t care.

My point is the bots play cards from the next core set
and this should be fixed asap.

“We’re going to do this thing that players have been accusing us of for years… No we promise we haven’t been doing it but now we are so stop spreading rumors about us!” :joy:

How would you make a point without proof? If you don’t care, I would suggest you posting on your bedrooms wall. It may be less frustrating.


Well… the game is trash… the discussions here are trash as well… I think it’s time to leave both. :blush:

ehhh they literaly told us they have bots and how to tell its one

a while ago now…