Helya + plagues are abhorrent to play against

Death Knight (DK) has been quite strong for a while now. It crushed in Shadows of the Badlands and still thrives in Whizbang’s Workshop. Plagues have been a very strong option for DK and is seen predominately throughout the games I’ve played against. Plagues by themselves aren’t that bad. They’re slow and can take a long time to fully build up value and pay-offs. Helya turns this on it’s head. She is a 4 mana win condition by herself. She gives INFINITE value for literally no reason. All you have to do is stall the game with the very strong package DK has to offer and watch the passive income shred the opponent. With Steam Cleaner out of the standard format, the best you can possibly do to counter this is to Dirty Rat their Helya which is a longshot.

Helya also single-handedly disrupts the highlander deck and turns the game into ‘draw your highlander pieces and play them before duplicate plagues get shuffled in and they become useless’.

So the ONLY way to get through Helya’s plagues is to kill your opponent asap before they start becoming problematic. Build a board to threaten lots of face damage next turn? Sickly Grimewalker + Crop Rotation gets rid of that. Or perhaps a single Soulstealer. The DK runs out of cards? No wait, Acolyte of Death + Crop rotation gets rid of that issue. Plus they get card value off of Headless Horsemen, The Primus, the excavation package etc. The DK’s health is low? No worries, The healing off the plagues + Maw and Paw + The Primus will do the trick.

I am sick of matching up with Death Knight and losing because their deck does everything so well and I get punished for having the game being dragged out because of the endless plagues Helya supplies.


Plagues are literally THE SLOWEST strategy in the game, literally takes longer to finish someone with plagues than playing mechathun, if you’re losing to plagues in this hyper aggro dead by turn 4 meta your deck is the problem


I am urging the devs to
plagues from this game.

:slight_smile: :sparkling_heart: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Thank you :slight_smile: :sparkling_heart: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


it’s not exactly a "plague " dk, but version of new DK decks, like rainbow etc. that includes some plagues in it, that obviously distrupt any reno deck without a chance to delete plagues from your deck.

blizzard algorithm working too well in standard. all decks are around 60% winrate, regardless of your deck.

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I fkn hate any deck that alters or changes my deck.

They shouldn’t exist.

Actually, Plague DK weak to the point of being unplayable competitively right now. The ‘Rainbow’ version is OK and fun, but with some bad match-ups and hardly a dominant deck.

In the lower leagues, where it’s one of the free decks that beginners, budget players and the like play because it’s the best option they can afford, perhaps? :grinning:

Nice expansion, where can I get one? :grinning:

Well, if you absolutely must, go play Tony, King of Piracy, you newb! :grinning:

Absolutely not: she alone shuffles three different plagues, at least another one is needed for that effect.

Well, that’s the idea, although nothing precludes you from playing that OP Reno anyway.

Go on, explain to me how it could be possible (big spoiler: it’s not) in a zero-sum game like this. :smirk:


Disgusting deck.

Plague DK are Tier 3 right now. Check out HSReplay and also Zeddy’s videos. DH are in the top spot.

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How dare someone disrupt your highlander build.


… a guy swearing by a Dirty Rat. :grinning: No irony at all.

Wouldn’t be surprised if that precious ‘highlander’ deck also runs the ‘TNT’ guy, whatever the name is… :rofl:

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EVERY Rainbow DK deck has the ability to turn into a Plague DK so keep that in mind.

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The don’t nerf or delete things because some people get annoyed by it. If they did Big Priest if not the entire Priest Class would have been deleted years ago.

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I don’t play Highlander.

I don’t like it because it ruins card and probility count + fkn frost plague prevents healthy rotation to reach specific decks.

Unlike some people I don’t use deck tracker either I find it pathetic because it supposed to be a part of the game and player’s skill to.

Well, actually it doesn’t really matter how weak or strong Plague DK is because if you want to play it against highlander decks and the game is rigged against you, you will only face wheel warlocks and mirror matches.

Tbf they did nerf Shadow Essence to 7 mana when the deck was Tier 3/4 already. That was part of their bIgGeSt YeAr iN wIlD

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change reno and brann to " no duplicates in your initial deck" and it is sorted. it is a very stupid decision to remove the only counter to plagues from standart from blizz.

Actually, I’d say there are much more definitive counters to Plague DK than this.

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A purely Plague DK deck is EXTREMELY weak in this meta. I think players are confusing the Rainbow deck with a Plague deck.