Helya is outrageous and the developers should be ashamed

It’s no secret that deathknight has a bunch of high powered class cards. Not overpowered but certainly stout as easy to grasp cards go. Helya is currently the most overused card in the class and it isn’t hard to see why. Her ability is efficient and if the match goes far enough, it will ultimately win. Ridiculous payoff for a single no-brainer card. It is detesable.

My personal opinion is that deathknight as a class entirely, is more for inexperienced or younger players who need simple straightforward strategies that can quickly overpower. There’s nothing wrong with that. It has it’s weaknesses just like any class and one shouldn’t feel excluded from a fun game because of a lack of strategical aptitude. My issue is that when you begin to cater a lack of thought you start to foster a culture that has no place in a game designed for strategists. To put it in layman’s terms, Hearthstone is chasing away it’s audience.

Helya’s effect is overpowered at 4 mana and thanks to rotation, has no means of being countered aside from holding 10 cards for as many turns as it takes to burn each plague individually. Obviously, that’s not a viable solution. If not for the sheer amount of plaue cards and multiple ways to perpetuate them, it would probably sicken me less but not much. That card alone will eventually win you the game for nothing but lasting long enough.

I personally have never been a fan of shuffle strategies to begin with (some of you remember corrupted blood). To me it takes the fun out of the game to face push button wincons such as these. They leave you feeling less like you’ve been bested by a skilled opponent and more like you’ve been cheating. I place these “strategies” just below milling in terms of loathsomeness.

As a veteran hearthstone player from the game’s beginning, I’m disappointed in the developers for many of the recent absurdly high powered, low thought cards they’ve vomited up but for me, this one takes the cake. Not nearly the most powerful, just the most disgusting.

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I agree.

What do you mean by overpowered?

My personal definition of “overpowered” is very simple: power is winrate and being overpowered means winning more than 50% of the time, especially if it’s enough over 50% to justify a balance patch. So by my understanding, not only is Plague DK not overpowered, but it is objectively not overpowered. It has below 50% winrate at Diamond 4-1 and at top 1000 Legend.

…so you’re saying it’s not overpowered?

My philosophy on Hearthstone is that the purpose of what you play as is to make you happy, the purpose of what you play against is to make your opponent happy, that winrates are the only valid justification for nerfs, and that being disgusted by what you play against is poor sportsmanship and reflects poorly upon the person who is disgusted, not their opponent.


A philosophy CAN be wrong, you know.

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Philosophy wasn’t quite the right word. I don’t know what the right word is.

But the point here is agency. What you play as is kinda like if you went to a Starbucks — maybe not the best Starbucks, but whatever — and you receive a beverage customized to your order. What you play against is like if we made a duplicate of each beverage ordered by everyone that morning, mixed all those duplicates together in a giant vat, and gave everyone a free cup of the resulting mixture. (We’ll call it the “Pure Democracy Brew.”)

What you play against will always be disgusting. It’s fundamentally an unfixable problem, because you don’t have agency over it (at least, not over more than a thousandth of 1%), your opponents do. The closest thing to a solution is acceptance.

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Scr0tie I can’t express how tired of you I am.


That’s because you’re not looking for truth, you’re looking for confirmation.

It’s logorrhea.

I’m just looking for anything other than whatever it is you think you offer. Only a fool calls thier opinions the truth.

My definition of overpowered. Specifically referring to one card which was the context of the sentence.

Not at all what I’m saying.

Thoughts, feelings or beliefs don’t constitute poor sportsmanship. Poor sportsmanship implies a display.

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Helya is a reasonable card.

That’s true. But here I don’t mean disgust as a thought, feeling or belief; I mean disgust as a display.

Trust me when I say you are not the only one tired of his, keyboard diarrhea, and his beliefs of being right all the time, on the contrary to what everyone thinks of his “being right” thought .

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How would you know what I display in matches? Are you suggesting that simply stating my opinion of a card somehow relates to sportsmanship? Please go bug someone els.

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Blizzard, please remove Helya’s infinite plagues ability. That mechanism is just ONE card OTK combo…

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I don’t think OTK means what you think it means. Plagues win very late game. I think anybody who’s complaining about this card just had a bad game against it and now they’re whining on the forums. Any variation of plague DK is sub .500 right now

My personal win rate with it is about 40%

The only thing it was good for was countering all of the Highlander decks out there and team five destroyed that by changing the mechanic so now Reno decks are all over the place


You call that person out for whining and in the same post start whining about Reno? You are correct though for those who don’t know OTK means one turn kill. This card is by no means that.

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I CANNOT STAND taking 2 damage


Touche but Reno warrior is pretty ridiculous and I don’t think I’m the only person that feels that way


10 times in a row, while giving the opponent health, minions and making my cards cost more. Sure. Sounds balanced.

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Boy oh boy do I hate taking 2 damage once every 2-6 turns with a minor downside. It’s much worse than all those other cards that just do 6 damage immediately or one-sided board wipes.


Should just remove all rest of game effects.

I totally agree. There’s a bunch cards that shouldn’t have been a thing in the first place. This one just sets off my gross meter. It’s nowhere near ones like reno in terms of sheer power, I just think it’s a lazy and sad substitute for an actual strategy.

It’s nothing against the people who use it especially in a meta like this one. It isn’t an issue to face either. A lot of the time you can burn an opponent down before it becomes an actual problem. I simply don’t like cards that encourage people not to think. They’re a painful reminder of how different the game is now from the one that I fell in love with during inception.

I made this thread really more to find my community. Something I used to enjoy a long time ago was to play with friends and try out crazy decks that demonstrated originality and usually involved a high level of thought to make work. The meme decks you once saw some poor soul trying to use on the ladder.

Unfortunately, while there’s never been a sense of community in hearthstone, it’s much worse now. People don’t ever send you friend requests unless they want to cry about you beating them, nor do they expect the vast majority of the time. That type of activity is a thing of the past.


plus the two 3 damage add two more plagues into your deck AND the two 3/2s that add an additional two plagues each into your deck. Unavoidable damage from cards YOU didn’t add to your deck is garbage design. period. It doesn’t matter what game does it/did it. Its too much upside with little to no downside. Plus they can just discover more of the cards to keep doing it.

I don;t care if the deck isn’t top tier. ITs not awlays about how good a deck is. Many times, its about how absolutely infuriating it is to play against.

I will say this, though. Since I stopped playing standard and keep my game time to BGs, even though it has its own form of nonsense, I am way less angry at this game.