Heartthrob nerf plz

heartthrob needs to have its health and it cost swapped … with all the support cards available for this card, it’s way too ridiculous a snowball card in it’s current form … i’m sure it feels great to play with, but playing against it is a nightmare when it can simply be kept alive all game against too much of the early game removal available before it just gets out of control (and then other threats that either it generates or that are played just are able to steamroll) … thankfully i’m not seeing a ton of this card being played, but when i do it feels really gross to be up against, and it’s really frustrating to think that if this deck becomes really popular that i’m going to need to tweak my decks specifically to play around this card

(now disclaimer, i’m not up on the current meta stats and i’m not playing at a super high level these days, but even just playing in f2p “do the dailies” maintenance mode, it is frustrating to run up against a card like this and think that i need to build my decks around running into this anymore often than is currently happening … maybe the balance isn’t so bad in terms of what the current meta stats are showing, but it really feels like too easy of a get/keep on board and win card that needs you to have dedicated removal in hand by turn 4~5 or you lose … and again, that just feels really gross to have to play around with every deck you need to build)


Yeah, but Hawkstrider Rancher is just fine at that same health value providing more value.

well, then it should get nerfed too, i just haven’t run into it i guess

no reason to get snarky about it