Hearthstone what BS

SICK of this crap, other people have been, well when their time runs out on their turn, they still get to keep playing and playing and playing cards, like it hasnt went off at all, yet EVERYTIME!!! and i mean EVERYTIME my turn timer runs out whether im in the middle of playing a card or not it sure shuts me off right now, its quite bullcrap, FREAKIN RIDICULOUS, whats the point!!! Dumb


What you see is card animations continuing after time runs out. Next card can be played before animation is complete. It appears that cards are player after turn timer but they are just queued actions that were player before.

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Makke is correct. What annoys me about this is its as simple as turning down animation time and putting in a functioning turn log, not one that erases on disconnect.

This gives players knowledge of plays and allows them to verify there were no errors.

In all reality if you start off a game with only 4 cards in hand and max out at 10 mana crystals, there should never be a way for anyone to play enough cards in a single turn to cause that much time worth of animations. This play a card and draw then discover to pretty much keep a full hand at all times never needed to happen when there is already enough cost reduction cards to keep playing endlessly. That’s just another of the many issues that need addressed.

it is reportable as hacking I think as they have sped up the animations on their side client side by editing a file.

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There’s lots of ways to queue up a ton of time worth of animations (sometimes enough to skip an entire turn) without doing animation speedup or other illegal activity. The only ways to counter it are either quitting and relaunching the game or forcing a reconnect through windows firewall (which is allowed). Even in battlegrounds some builds can skip your entire tavern phase.

This has been an issue for years, yet they refuse to fix it.

It shows how little they care about people intentionally exploiting the game.

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Blizzard hasn’t bothered to calculate just how long their animations take and extend the opponent turn by that length.

They know this problem exists but don’t do anything about it because of cost $$$$$$.

It is not hacking in any way

More like laziness. They could make it skippable, or not count against the turn time, but team 5 doesn’t care about things that mess up the game.

it’s intentionally disrupting your opponent’s turn through an abuse of game mechanics. If not hacking, it’s an exploit.

Blizzard’s the one at fault, not the player. Your turn time shouldn’t be dependent on animations from your opponent’s turn. Very few digital ccgs have ever allowed that to be an issue (the only other one I’ve ever known to have noticeable animation leak is legends of runeterra). But yes, they can ban you for any reason or even a lack of reason and say it’s your fault.

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Literally the unofficial motto for the game for the last several years.

Akin to Dante’s “Abandon hope, all ye who enter here.”

It’s not necessarily intentional. It’s just because the animations take so long. I can’t control how long Xyrella takes to trigger all the deathrattles or Yogg to cast all his spells