Great Update!!
Not only can I miss my turn because of the iOS version crashing mid-game. Now I can miss my mulligan because the app crashes after finding an opponent. This is update will surely improve my chance of finally getting my golden Disconnected Druid portrait.
At the very least, I will be able to take only half as many turns as my opponent.
Thanks for the update!!
Team 5: You guys printed a bunch of powerful low-cost Deathrattles this set. Zephrys still has no answer for them even though his set is full of them.
IMO if your opponent has a deathrattle on board, Zeph should ALWAYS suggest a silence or transform.
The friends button on the bottom left don’t work properly after the patch on PC. When you mouse over spectate or challenge buttons, the words appear outside of the screen and I was not able to see it.
Also, it makes the system very sluggish. All these for the ability to move decks around? Kind of a joke.
It’s not a user error if it will not connect to my account. The app will not give me a login attempt at all but good attempt at calling someone stupid. This has to be a backend issue.