Hearthstone Time's Left

As y sayd in another post, blizz games lose players with the milions each month, acording to they’re own published datas, so i wonder how much does hearthstone left to be as it is? 5 6 months?


Based on recent reports there are a mere 48 hours left. Kieffer Sutherland is on it.


Hearthstone can survive.

The runestones change was a good move but nothing impressive.

This expansion is better than people give credit for too.

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Mwah it aint as bad as the previous one but mwah. Powerlevel is to high.

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People said 6 years the game was gonna die any time.

Its gonna keep up, similar to World of Warcraft.

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At least a decade i would guess,if blizzard wants to. In what state the game will be by then is a different question.


The game will last until we have something like Holodeck technology from Star Trek or a more sophisticated from of VR similar to the technology used in Sword Art Online.

There is a vr Yu-Gi-Oh game coming

I don’t think the ramin players will stay like that, i mean blizz themselves reconized they are losing milions of players each month, with Hearthstone being the biggest leaker

this guy is just trolling

i saw him use the word “huntard” several time we all know thats “trollspeak”


Just saying this now, if Hearthstone ever forces me to link my cell phone number and a photographed government ID to my account to play it, I am out of here so ******g fast

is true other game do something similar
on the fornite reddit several players posted they were asked for their SSN or credit card info or their accounts would be deleted seems not all players got this message but it was confirmed to be real

you actually need to do both to get into Overwatch 2 at all
rumor has it Blizzard is going to do this with any game that has voice chat in it if its successful enough, which still isn’t Hearthstone I know but I still hate hate hate hate it

so they have those stadium sized VR machines that project life sized holographic images in real life like they have in the anime? Never heard of that technology existing yet in real life.

Because that’s the only way to describe a hunter player hunter+ the mai characteristic of the player who use it = huntard

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Isn’t Hearthstone the most popular CCG?

Digitally yes.
People have been decreeing hearthstone death for almost a decade now. Eventually they will get it right.

They put the game in auto pilot, minimal effort, just printing uninspired power creep every quarter. They shifted their focus to milk as much money as possible from their player base rather than putting in effort to make a great game.

Even then, there’s plenty of white knights here and on Reddit in particular that seem happy to shovel money for subpar content from team 5. So they’ll keep it going until people have finally had enough.

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White Knight: Anyone that disagrees with me.

Hey, I’m sorry you’re not having a good time, but there’s no need to insult players that are. Different strokes for different folks.


I have mixed feelings, not gonna lie. I love Hearthstone, but to be honest this expansion is sucking out all of the joy in the game for me.

What really makes me feel I might be close to quitting the game is to think some of this mess will stay in the game for a while. Without any changes to them, cards like Theotar or Sire Denathrius will continue to see play in the next expansion and the one after that. I really wish they just removed some of this nonesense from the game altogether to be honest. Let’s pretend it never happened and try something else.