Hearthstone RNG

Why can’t we have a Hearthstone that is actually randomized instead of one that relies on algorithms / pseudo RNG to push one player or the other to win?

I think most realize by now unless you’re brand new cards get pushed into hands of the players to help them win to satisfy some hidden metric. I’ve been on the receiving end of both sides (Being the winner due to this and loser due to this) and it feels weird either way.

This entails getting the only card that could save you for like 3 turns in a row or having effects go off that unless they happen to the right targets you lose. Just stuff that should be statistically rare yet I see it every day I’ve played since release. Is this the 50/50 ratio I hear about?

I play a lot of arena and I personally feel like you can sense it working overtime there compared to standard but it’s in every mode. By no means will I quit playing as I do enjoy the game or I wouldn’t play it every day, just this one aspect that is annoying to me.


So if you can tell the difference between actually randomized and fake randomized, here are six strings of coin flips, tell me which are truly random and which are rigged. Rigged strings are all rigged with same partially random but heavily biased algorithm. I won’t lie about the answers, honest



Your tin foil hat needs adjusting.


Real: A, B, E

Rigged: C, D, F

How’d I do?

I want to see if OP responds first

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Boo. I was having fun.

While we’re waiting though, could you explain why you picked what you picked?

Clumping. Real random results that are long enough, and these are long enough, are likely to have clumps of results that clash with our expectations about how small-scale samples represent a population distribution, particularly sampling of a uniform distribution.


Well you got a perfect score. And of course the rigged algorithm was biased against having multiple of the same in a row. Honest Abe hint was hidden in the post itself

Oh and fun fact, the average max streak in a set of x coin flips tends to be the square root of x. So these are indeed long enough to expect max streaks in the 5 to 6 length range

Why would the developers try and balance the game when they have algorithm’s to do tasks they are to lazy to fix

Why develop zones in a game when you can randomly generate it is how they think

Being a developer nowadays requires no imagination and no ability to do your job proudly

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I’ll never understand how you think the developers are lazy yet believe they’ve pulled off a grand worldwide conspiracy immune to mathematical study instead of using the canned random number algorithm that came with the Unity devkit.


Which is why it’s silly that it’s somehow impossible for rigging to be detected. I didn’t even do any math on this one, but highschool-level statistics would be enough to detect anomalies.

What’s even more silly is the idea that it’s rigged because it’s not detectable. Because if it’s not detectable, the rigging doesn’t do anything to change the outcomes.


Random is as random does. You don’t need to see the process if you can see the output.

Yeah its so random you’re in every post to tell everyone how random it is.

If it was in fact legit, they wouldnt need an army to tell us every time the noticing happens.

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Yeah. It’s pretty disheartening when you become aware of it.

Takes a lot of fun out of the game, I can see why others choose not to acknowledge it.

Some people would rather die believing a lie (“safe and effective”) than admit they’ve been hoodwinked.

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Your family must save a ton on movie theater tickets.

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Yeah cause your family dont make gud movies anymore.

Save a lot not watching dumpster fires lit by chesters.

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Theoretically, if such a person made a genuinely good movie, I would like to see it. You don’t need to believe in any anti-Hollywood conspiracy theories to be like “hey, movies have kinda sucked recently”

Just replace “it” and “they” with “we” and “legit” with “smart.”