Hearthstone RNG

Great news, we do! :grinning:


There is no point to any of this. The rigged cult definition of rigged is not the same as a reasonable persons definition of rigged. No matter what Blizzard does or doesn’t do the rigged cult will always cry rigged.


It would be nice to do away with all conspiracies, but unfortunately humans like to make sense of patterns and most are nonsensical and/or superstitious.

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You are trapped here and cannot leave.

Try not posting for a month.

You cant because you’re on the clock.

Now back to work.


Set this to music you would have a cool alt-rock song.

He is on the spectrum. Just pat him on the head and go about your day. Let the guy have his addiction to this place. Yes he is annoying and manages to be wrong at just about everything but he means well.

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The house always win.

From the people who think the developers of an entertainment product are lying to them about cheating them out of wins so that they feel bad, and still keep playing anyway.


Feelin bad playin bluzzard game…

Player counts droppin like flies…

Maybe theres a connection…?

What makes you believe that the player count is dropping like flies?

“It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data. Insensibly one begins to twist facts to suit theories, instead of theories to suit facts.” So said Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes. You first need to actually count the players and determine if the player count is dropping, before assuming that the majority feels the same way that you do.

If you Google “Hearthstone active players” then third party, not-Blizzard websites say that since Sept 2023 the player count has been treading water, maybe it loses a bunch one month but mostly gains them back the next. It’s not accurate to call that growth and it’s also not accurate to call it decay. Prior to Sept 2023 the playerbase was growing steadily, going back to a low point in Nov 2020.

Attacking this data is not enough. You would need to cite data of your own that is better somehow.

Yes, waves of bot banning into waves of new bot creations xDD

And a little bit of people getting bored and then returning for the next expansion

The data is collected in such a way that bots are very unlikely to be counted.

But on the other hand, the data is collected in such a way that the mode of play is irrelevant. So it’s possible that, for example, Ranked has been taking a nosedive in players and Hearthstone overall is treading water because BGs is growing enough to compensate.

The thing is, that’s the kind of thing that a Ranked player might care about, but a Blizzard executive is unlikely to care about.

I already mentioned the monthly fluctuations, and yes of course they sync up with expansions, etc. But they’re about ±5% and don’t fundamentally change the fact that Hearthstone’s player count has roughly doubled since 3 years ago.

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Speaking of RNG, I wonder what the odds of Hungry Dragon summoning a Dust Devil are.

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Go outside kid. U live in these foruns.

You horrible attitude needs adjusting.

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Never heard of this, what are “Foruns” exactly?

Just put rigged in the subject line and watch all the resident good old boys come on and start throwing out insults and stroking each others egos. It like a circus.

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