Hearthstone Ranked Bots Issue

Hearthstone ranked bots are annoying. Why am I facing the same deathknight deck over and over and over again? Can I at least get a different class sporadically if Blizz is too lazy to program different decks for the bots I’m FORCED to play now? And don’t say it’s not a bot; they use the same naming system for all of them (AdjectiveNoun) Two short words that are capitalized, usually an adjective and a noun. I would put this under the multiplayer or single player discussions, but unfortunately technically it could go in both, which is why I decided to throw this on general.

The naming convention you site is the one the game assigns to new players who can’t think of an unique name themselves. My first name was LuckyPants; I encountered another LuckyPants here. These are not necessarily bots, they may just be beginners.

Death Knight is simply popular.