Hearthstone Needs Guilds

Hearthstone needs guilds. I would copy the Warcraft Rumble model.

Guilds would need to give some minor reward or bonus based on some play factor.

Perhaps there could be a weekly quest that gives guild “points” shared by all members. After so many guild points are achieved, then everyone gets a card pack.

Here are the benefits I see:

  • Creates incentive to recruit more players
  • Rewards players for being in communities
  • I believe it may improve the community of Hearthstone overall

P.S. It would be great if our guild name would appear in our forum profile as well!


that would be interesting. i haven’t given much care to my world of warcraft characters’ guilds since the burning crusade in like 2009 or something though. So maybe it’s a feature for other people or that i will get limited value from, that’s fine.

Guilds need somekind of multiplayer activity like wars, parties… Hearthstone has not many things like that. However the idea is good because maybe it would make the community less toxic and more respectful. Small extra rewards are also always good. I could also imagine some higher rewards for higher amount of points ofc. Like a free choosable hero skin or card back form the game which are not currently in the shop for example.


THIS! I have been thinking about this for ages. Imagine if Hearthstone would let you join or make Guilds and then periodically released massive Raid bosses where each players brings up to 3 decks against a superpowered boss and the Guild collectively tries to kill it (Like the Lich King vs Tavern event from AGES AGO) We could also have Ragnaros, Kel’Thuzad, Nefarian & Onyxia, C’thun, Illidan, Deathwing etc. Just rotated once every month or so

The rewards also don’t have to be anything insane. Cosmetics, skins etc. and maybe some kind of Guild wide reward for participating like the card back you mention.
Just something to make the community a little less toxic and actually want to play together.


I have to admit, I didn’t put much stock into this idea when I clicked on the thread but this could actually be really good for the game. More content, more rewards and a stronger sence of community(which this game has always lacked). Raid bosses is a good idea and plus guild competition could be possible. Im not sure if blizzard is interested in offering more free rewards if I’m being honest but guilds would indeed be a great addition to the game. I already know some people I would join with.

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Group health pool boss. Fight individualy until the guild collectively wins. Guilds can have contests where you pair off and have your 2 out of 3s and what not. There’s possibilities.

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I am in kripp sniper clan if you want to join lmk