Hearthstone needs a "keep playing" button

i know there are have been complaints about botting, people afk, bm running out the clock, etc. … and perhaps rightly so in many cases, however, despite there seeming to be now better “left the game” detection, i have an idea/request for perhaps there to be an option to keep playing the game despite someone leaving or d/c’ing … the reason being for some people like me, i would sometimes much rather keep playing against the rope and farm achievement stuff, rather than have to get into another game and start all over, especially for some of the more annoying achievements that rely on your opponent not conceding … given that players have a concede button and can simply choose to “save you time”, you should be given the option to “waste your time” as you choose … especially since you need to do achievement stuff in some sort of “competitive mode” … it would be great to see a “yes/no” box like if a friend were challenging you to a game to ask you whether you want to keep playing … it can have its own “rope” of 15~30 seconds to say yes, otherwise defaulting you out of the game … i don’t think this is too much to ask seeing how starcraft also has the ability to “keep playing”

But you are given that option every time you play hearthstone?

as it is in any game, or most things in life for that matter … thanks for the bump

Are you asking for a “play games in a row” feature?

Like jumping from game to another without going to the menu.

no, that’s the opposite of what i’m saying … i want to be able to linger in a game where the opponent has left(/conceded?) and finish off achievement progression

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How would that work with no one playing cards on thier side?

the same way it always does, they just rope … or it could just auto skip their turn, doesn’t matter to me … point is if i’m trying to do something like get pyroblast wins or kills with shadow of demise i need the opponent to cooperate … and if they feel they are about to lose (like if they are losing clearly losing and seeing “suboptimal” plays being made), they are not necessarily willing to do especially if they can feel you are specifically trying to hunt an achievement … so in some sense it takes away from the achievements to require cooperation and so allowing you to play after a concede or “has left the game” would make up for the flaw in achievement design … at least imo