Hearthstone mobile has so many problems

I can’t play more than two games without my game crashing. The performance is garbage.


I’m noticing that too. Optimum performance from such a great company. lol


I haven’t had issues in ios

I never “crash” I do occasionally disconnect.

IOS, iPad.

havent played much since last patch but no issues here either

Not playing…but

We’d get an “everything fine here” report from “haven’t played this since 2014.”

Did you expect the poor multibilion dollar indie company to actually support their product? The siphoning off of profits towards golden parachutes is in full effect! Insignificant details like supporting the infrastructure of the game don’t matter.

However, new mercstone bundles are available in the shop! So high priority issues are still being worked on!



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I’m playing on a samsung tablet but it should be more than enough to play hearthstone. Maybe its just an android issue? Who knows…

Its been doing this for awhile. The game usually waits until a match is over before crashing me to my home screen. If I go into my collection after playing a game ill have a pretty instant crash. It’s pretty dumb.

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It’s a “take turns between shutting off playability for ios and android users” situation. Not too long ago, ios users were making similar posts.

Apparently having a stable platform for both is like walking and chewing gum at the same time for this company and dev team.

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When I had a budget phone this was a real issue for sure

My tablet should have more processing power than most phones. Heck I’ve had issues on my pc as well but hearthstone is definitely buggy at times.

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