Hearthstone is Unplayable

Hearthstone is unplayable in a majority of it’s Play Modes (including Hearthstone and Battlegrounds) at all times. It’s been like this for years. What is the point of using Your players as test dummies, Blizzard? Your game is just legit unplayable.

Are these forums really only for "um"s?


Game starts up fine for me.


Could you br more clear this game is amazing right now, utterly adictive and fun.

Standard is the best its been in around 6 years.

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Literally and figuratively, that is untrue for the majority use case.

If you have an exception to share, whether it be literal or figurative, feel free to post screenshots. Maybe post in tech support as well, if literal.

I can’t pay for this game. I’m out.

Do you mean you lose too much? Otherwise tell us exactly what you don’t like.

That’s entirely your prerogative. If you’re going to leave I would suggest staying away for at least a few months, though. That way if you do ever get curious enough to come back, enough time will have passed that you’ll be eligible for the loaner deck program they have going on. They’re surprisingly well crafted most of the time - intelligent piloting will get you into somewhere between Gold 5 - Diamond 5 with those.

It is impossible to play! I only like Duels mode, and it was removed… Impossible to play, so I uninstalled the game.

Can you please elaborated ? What do you label as “Unplayable” ?