Hearthstone is not included at Blizzcon 2023?!

“This year, the goal is to make BlizzCon® feel more experiential than ever before. It will be a one-of-a-kind immersive experience, bringing attendees into the universes of Warcraft ®, Diablo ®, and Overwatch ® with massive installations, art, and thematic spaces where friends can connect.”

I dont’ see Hearthstone mentioned.

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All the teaser’s I’ve seen included at least some HS character, Elise being the most frequent one (and holding some HS cards). My guess is that they didn’t mention it separately because it has its roots in the Warcraft universe.

Edit: looking at the list of mentioned universes, I’m surprised Starcraft isn’t mentioned…


Starcraft’s global finals prize were pretty much cut off since last year so I don’t expect anything at the Blizzcon except cosplay.

It’s sad but hey, Diablo is revived. Hearthstone is doing well. I am just not sure why Hearthstone is not mentioned for Blizzcon…


And not to mention that Blizzard (or whoever else) often will hire models and sometimes X-rated stars to cosplay.

I, personally, think that taints the cosplay world because real cosplayers should be doing the cosplay and making their own costumes rather than just hiring someone to wear a costume you dumped a ton of money into.

There is cosplay for the fans, and then there is cosplay for publicity.

Blizzard can’t count on an amateur cosplayer to dump a ton of money and time building a great costume, then agree to be photographed (paid or unpaid at this point).

And what is “X-rated”? If it isn’t covered under indecency laws, it is probably a level of skin reveal that you see in regular public places.

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Hearthstone is part of the Warcraft universe.


It was always part of the Blozzcon as a separate IP

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:clap: Hearthstone :clap: is :clap: in :clap: Warcraft :clap: universe :clap:

Edit: Agnos beat me to it. But the point is, thread title is fake news, delete plz


Blizzcon 2023

-“The Diablo community believes the always-online requirement should not be necessary to play the game.”

Blizzard: “don’t you guys have internet? lol?!”


They took out StarCraft and Hearthstone intentionally

They did not take out Hearthstone at all. You are bad at reading comprehension.

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hearthstone is their only real money maker and D4 right now. Everyone I know quit Warcraft ages ago along with overwatch and Heroes/starcraft.

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They purposefully failed to mention Hearthstone meaning there will be no demo or world final there to say the least.

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There are two options:

  1. Blizzard decided for the first time ever to not promote Hearthstone in Blizzcon despite the game being commercially successful.

  2. Hearthstone, being set in the Warcraft universe, will be at Blizzcon at usual in the Warcraft section.

Personally, I think that the second option is much more likely.


This is the concern. NEVER has WoW included HS in advertising for Blizzcon/ Combined with the absence of SC, I wouldnt hold my breath on HS being represented at Blizzcon.

They have always been unique titles in that regard. Gonna take more than the blind faith you appear to have for me to believe HS or SC will be present at Blizzcon.

*After four years of gathering online–adventuring through Azeroth, teaming up in Overwatch, traversing the fields of Sanctuary, or warming yourself by the fire in the Tavern–it’s finally time to gather in person once more.

I don’t know about anyone else, but clearly that’s a nod to Hearthstone. Azeroth = WoW, Overwatch = Overwatch, fields of Sanctuary = Diablo, warming yourself by the fire in the Tavern = Hearthstone.

Sorry, I’m not buying the whole “Hearthstone is not included at Blizzcon 2023” thing.

Why would they mention the Tavern after saying “it’s finally time to gather in person” if they didn’t intend on Hearthstone players to gather?


What? It’s been a large decline for like the past two or three years lol

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They aren’t including it under WoW. They’re including it under Warcraft because this particular press release emphasized universes over games.

Both Hearthstone and WoW are warcraft games. So are all the original Warcraft game. People might as well be concerned that all the Warcraft content will be Hearthstone and Wow won’t be represented. It’s the same idea.

I feel like this claim really needs a shave from Ockham’s razor.


Citation required, Mr. Dev.

Never before has it been included in this fashion, if it is. Schyla’s post at least makes sense, yours makes none considering the Warcraft moniker was dropped YEARS ago from HS.

WoW and HS are not both “Warcraft games”. They are individual titles both based in Azeroth. Huge difference!

Such a shame. Starcraft was the first Blizzard game I played seriously. Its world settings was so amazing at the time.