Hearthstone disconnection every game

I am getting disconnected from the game every single match, sometimes multiple times. Game is unplayable. I have done everything possible to make sure this problem is NOT on my end. I am on a wired connection, I have gigabit internet, I have this issue on absolutely NONE of the other games I play and I play alot of other online games. I am only having this issue with hearthstone. I tried turning off my firewalls completely while playing, reinstalling, tried playing on another computer and even tried playing on the same computer and a different computer on different internet. This problem is not on my end and I cannot play the game because of it. What’s your deal blizzard? I see so many other people complaining about this issue online and you always just reply saying it’s something to do with a problem on their end and its really sad. What is also very sad is coming back to hearthstone after not playing for years and really enjoying it but now I can’t because blizzard doesn’t want to take responsibility for an issue that is clearly on their end and all they can do is gaslight their customers. So sad.


Same issues getting disconnected losing games cause of this for the last 3 days.Please fix your game!

Same problem, about 50% games beeing disconnected and game freezes forever. Few weeks ago was still possible to restart game and continue match, now quiting means autoloose.


Same issues, the game freezes randomly both on PC and mobile client. Several (arena) games resulted in losses due to disconnecting.


Same problem here, multiple freezes/disconnects every game. Mostly happens on opponents turn but not always. Been like this for over a week. Constantly having to close the game and reopen to reconnect. I’ve tried uninstalling and reinstalling, laptop meets specs, internet stable, hardware fine, never known problem like it before. Problem definitely at their end.
Contacted blizzard, just get obvious suggestions. Lost so many games because of this. Game completely unplayable. No responsibility taken by blizzard that I can see despite multiple reports from players.
Had enough and won’t play again until fixed.

Yes - happening to me too. Game stops updating and when I rejoin, I’ve lost my game

Same works on my mobile fine but on no PC FFS blizzard why can i not at least have live chat or a number to call!

This is still a problem. HS streamers are frustrated.

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I’m quiting Hearthstone until the bug is solved, the game is unplayable for me right now. I have a stable connection, and 1/3 of my games just keeps freezing. During my opponent turn, the game is just just stuck. His turn never finish, even after 10 minutes, and when I quit the game and rejoin it never reconnect me to the game. Even if I try to be smart and quit fast when I notice my enemie doesn’t play any card, the game still don’t reconnect me to the game. Please fix this issue so I we can play normally. It’s really sad, cause I payed for the battle pass the first time in my life, and I can’t even play the game normally.

I’ve lost a fair amount of arena matches because of the game freezing and not showing any indication that the game’s frozen. Everything behaves as it should when you mouse over your opponents cards etc. This is frustrating me to no end, and I don’t want to play Hearthstone anymore. Wish I could refund the rewards track. I might have to spend 30 bucks to get into the open beta of the game Rarran’s been playing. F***!

I’ve been playing only Battlegrounds duos since it was introduced. Used to get random crashes/freezes/disconnects here and there was frustrating but still manageable. But since this last update, oh boy. It’s kind of unplayable, game just shutdowns on random turns, by the time you reconnect, if you reconnect, your whole turn is gone.

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Issue is still here. Nearly every single game. I have tried to put up with it but now that I am actually interested in the progress I am making, rank wise, it has become unplayable and unfun again. I tried to have patience for it but blizzard cant seem to fix this one game from disconnecting for some reason. I play many different other games (blizzard and non-blizzard) and never have any issues connections wise and I never have. I know it is an issue on their end because 9 our of 10 times I pay the card “Expendable Performers” the game disconnects as I am attacking with them, causing me to miss the rest of the turn because it takes so long to attack with them in the first place, causing a loss as the “Expendable Performers” card is generally used as a counter-play in dire situations. Blizzard still refuses to admit that this is an issue on their end and gaslight players. God forbid they have to spend time and money on something that isn’t going to give them a monetary return of releasing a whole AAA game, busy thinking of new things to put in the game shops instead of fixing things that actually make people gaming experience better. I guess that’s what we signed up for when we chose a blizzard game? I guess that makes me the dummy for playing your game. Loud and clear blizzard.

I use a VPN and no matter its protocol Blizzard refuses to let me into the app itself unless I tear down my defenses so they can exploit and track me. Once the app opens and I see the options for game modes, journal, etc, then I can turn my VPN back on. The other problem is that even though I have it permission to run in the background, if I leave the screen for 10 seconds and go look at an email and come back, it “disconnects me” and I have to reconnect. They are demanding from players 169% of our undivided attention. This is when you start to see lobbies with 120 seconds until the next round, because people are exploiting this measure and making games super long by disconnecting right before a battle. That way, they skip the battle and get super long timer

do blizzard even care about there players? the bug is still here, its not PLAYABLE !!!

I have the same issue. I even contacted support. They were completly useless and just sent me rows of AI generated garbage.
When I responded to that they simply told me “it’s a specific issue to you, check the forums”. There are multiple posts like this on the forums. They don’t care, not one bit. I’m not hopeful this issue will ever be resolved.

I have received nothing from support either. Does anyone smarter than me know if it is possible for this to be just a device-to-Blizzard problem? The only problems with any apps (or browsing) is when I am attempting to connect to blizzard. App opens fine, just cannot connect to games. I also noticed navigating their websites and forums are trash compared to other browsing or sites. It took the browser tab longer to log me in to the forums than to load multiple ESPN videos…

Exact same issue here. Tried EVERY fix, connection was even checked by my ISP. Definitely Blizzards fault. Affects every Blizz game btw, Diablo 2 Resurrected is unplayable, constant disconnects in Diablo 4. I am pretty sure it has to do with their atrocious regional network architecture. VPN solves the problem, which confirms my theory.

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you may want to see what windows 11 version you have been running since the problem started.

Microsoft installed version 24H2 on my computer a couple days ago, after it have been optional. i think it was first available last october. I had been waiting but they snuck it in on me anyway.

i have been getting hearthstone crashes recently. if nothing changes i will be rolling windows 11 back to 23H2.

It even happens regularly while playing through Geforce Now. The issue is not on our end, it is definitely something bleezard needs to fix. Happens on potatoes to high end gaming rigs, cheap phones to flagships. Their client needs a whole new platform to work on, they’re just to greedy to do it anytime soon. Every patch makes things worse. How long has the dancing minion bug been in game? Never fixed!!!

and if those computers are running 24H2 that could be the common problem. lots of reports out there for 24h2 problems especially for gaming.

pretty sure all those games aren’t running on the same client or platform.