Hearthstone Dalaran Heist random deck isn’t random anymore

As the title infers, there is an issue in Hearthstone Solo Modo, The Dalaran Heist.

Issue arises when selecting the mage hero, with hero power “Burning Wit”, and selecting the Random Deck. The deck isn’t ever random, it’s always the “Kindling” deck. It used to be random, something changed in the last month or so.

I can provide additional details if needed.
Thanks in advance

The same is happening with the Warrior deck on Dalaran Heist too. Doesn’t matter which deck I choose, it always uses the Brawl deck (I think that’s what it’s called)


Problem dalej nie rozwiązany

Nie, na razie problem nie został rozwiązany.

Translation of the answer into Polish :
No, the problem is not solved, for now.

Mi się wydaje, że Bugzard naprawi ten glitch jak skończy ujawniać wszystkie karty z drugiego dlc z roku pegaza udostępni druga aktualizacje

tak, może

(Yes, maybe)

Also having this issue. In both Dalaran Heist and Toombs of Terror. Any deck preselection will still result in having a default deck.