Hearthstone classic mode please

Bring back turn 5 Azure drake, and fundamental game decisions. it worked for wow and it can work for this game :]


The good old days where cards without a text could be played. Now days every card has to do something outrageous to get played.


I would love that. Then again I guess they think we think we do but we don’t, or something


they tried it

it didnt work


classic was back for about a year

it was infested with bots

meta was completely stale

you don’t actually want classic, rose tinted glasses are blinding you.

Isn’t WoW Classic literally getting Cataclysm recently, if not already?

It literally - I cannot stress that word enough - LITERALLY isn’t “classic” any more.

They LITERALLY need “WoW Classic Classic” and that’s most likely what they’re about to do.

Exactly! Just like those pesky and ultimately stupid WoW players, they think they do, but they don’t. That’s why we will never implement Classic Wow as it would be a massive failure.

Wait a sec…

The Classic realms are still up :man_facepalming:

My point was that they would have to split the game into “WoW Classic” vs “WoW Classic Cata” in the future, or else it would make zero sense to call anything “Classic.” And the implication there - which I will fully double down on - is that it’s a really weird, post-modern, nonsensical thing to do. I put it right up there with products advertising “now with the original formula!” Like, did the “new and improved” formula suck that bad that you had to bring the OG back? Or was the new formula legitimately better, but you’re giving us the inferior OG version anyway just to capitalize on nostalgia goggles?

Your revelation here - which admittedly I did not know beforehand - that they have already split the servers, not JUST into “Classic” and “Cata Classic” but also “Wrath Classic” and “Season of Discovery Classic,” doesn’t disprove my point and honestly lowers my opinion of Blizz even further.

Yes please bring back classic, havent played HS since they removed it

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