Hearthstone Bots = Cheat

I’ve played against far too many hearthstone bots for what seems like forever, and I can only come to one conclusion based on my observations. The bots that hearthstone has added into the game, with names like MauveBadger and OliveRogue, always have a good starting hand. They always have cards to play for the first four or 5 turns…ALWAYS.
I very rarely get a good starting hand. Most of the time game wants to give me all the highest cost cards at the beginning of the game, and when I throw them back it usually gives me at least one of the cards back into my hand and the rest near the top of the deck. Yet, somehow, every bot has a playable starting hand every time. I’m no statician, but I suspect that the odds of perfectly playable hand every time have to be somewhere in the equivilancy of finding life…on the SUN.

If anyone else has any theories or similar experiences I’d like to hear them.

Priest bots play the automaton, rogue bots are mech, etc. It has gotten so tedious lately. So much of it, played exactly the same way, everytime.

The game is reachimg a climatic toilet ending 10 year poop. WELL PLAYED blizz.

At the moment Blizzard is busy banning real innocent players, the bots are at peace since Blizzard wants its game to be full bot.

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After coming back to the game after a few months and reaching Diamond 5, more than half of my games have been against Mech Rogue bots that cheat and have perfect draw on curve. I lost 40% of my matches yesterday to these cheat bots. Just got destroyed in 5 turns in my last game.

I quit Marvel Snap a while back because of the issue with cheat bots at high ranks and now the cancer has spread to Hearthstone.

Sorry, but time to go. Not acceptable.

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Yep just had my account banned because they said I was using bots. I have NEVER used bots and don’t even know how to. I sent a ticket but no response so far. They even said I can’t appeal the decision. I have been playing this game since Beta and every game has been played by me. Is this an algorithm?


Yup, been having that exact same problem. I’ve had the mech rogue decks kill me as early as turn 3 at diamond five. The HS bots are rigged to have great starting hands in order the be more of a challenge.

It’s a heaping load of cow patties if you ask me.

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The worst is playing duels for gold, and you constantly lose to blizz bots with names like FlyingLemur or GreenMonkey that are free from human error and play the same OP decks. Not only that but these bots seem to have incredible rng and always manage to draft a reno and somehow never have duplicates in their decks. I feel it’s cheating the player who risks their gold to play only to have it stolen away by losing to a.i. bots that the company put in there just for that reason. If you are going to try and fool the customer into believing they are not losing gold to bots, then maybe stop capitalizing the first letters of the two randomly generated adjective and noun that the bots are named. Anyway, the quality of the game decreased while the price of everything for it increased so ban me if you want.

i can’t go to legend, always the players have perfect hand, i never manage to get lucky, i never get the cards i need

It’s crazy how Blizzard censors (deletes topics) banned (innocent) players, it hides their scams.

I can’t wait for Blizzard to be heavily condemned because you are not above the law.

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played as druid and i managed to go to diamond 3 after reporting some users that look like bots

What specific law are you suggesting Blizzard has broken?

The only time you should encounter the Blizzard-generated bots is if there are not enough players at close enough ratings to match you with. Try playing at a different time of day.

In general (not just this game, but any CCG/TCG), if you are consistently drawing bad hands, that’s a sign that you need to reevaluate your deck.

Dude. That sucks. I hope you have some luck getting your account back.
I’m inclined to think it’s one too many idiots, dissatisfied with their losses, decided that you “looked like a bot” and flagged you.