Hearthstone battlegrounds looks like complete trash

It’s a different mode, free, that requires no pack purchase or anything else to participate. Better than nothing I guess.

Are they jumping on the ‘what’s popular now’ bandwagon?
Yes, it’s a smart business move to draw back players to hearthstone…at least for a while.

I find autochess fun to play in small dozes, but it’s really boring to watch.
Given the popularity of this type of games, it seems we are in the minority.

Any new game mode doesn’t have to be good. It just has to create enough excitement to dupe people into buying cards. Not sure if this new more succeeds.
Another interesting game mode, and one that would probably be welcomed by most players, would be a turbo mode 30s/turn. Why is it that these guys never implements anything the player base actually wants?

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That negativism is just pure evil ;(
Look at the bride side. They are slowly creating something new. It means a lot to this community. If they succeed i can assure you, that different modes will appear in no time (few years from now lol )

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Lol, someone’s mad. Its just a game.

People, Find some happiness in your life so you don’t end up like this kid who attacks people because they don’t worship his favorite video game.

I like the 30 seconds per turn mode. But I understand the space for sub-modes is tight.

This is terribly ironic considering you’re acting like a screaming manchild they *literally added a new game mode.

Took ya two tries for a reply and this is what you come up with? If you want mad, look no further than your own post.


My issue with it is that its going to be a piss poor version - and somehow made even more simple for the 99% of HS players that have downs.

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I need to update my first impressions about the mode. The minions attack randomly… it is not seens right, because it is called auto-chess. I will experiment and try it, however, I am afraid it be the biggest fiesta mode, where eventually you win, just for merely playing die.

It is realy a sh…show. Unfun, slow, random as every blizzard stuff. It’s just not worth the time.

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I’m shocked! (not really)

This is not an air port you do not need to announce your departure, but honestly I am glad you did as its one less whiny kid. The mode is optional, has no effect on the current meta, and is actually incredibly fun to play (played it at Blizzcon). To keep pointing out how wrong and whiny you are though they said this is the conclusion of their League of Evil story line as they wanted to tell a story (as best as Hearthstone allows it). So to summarize: You are a whiny little kid who is wrong about of bunch of things and just wants attention go find another community to pollute. Bye!

Then don’t play it? Stick to the other modes they have that people like you also complained about.

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He is 100 percent just complaining to complain.

No, it’s objectively bad. It’s being described as a game you don’t play.

Honestly, the only problem I have with the hearthstone version, is the rating system. You have to choose a random hero, you get random stuff to choose from in the match, and it’s not very consistent. In all the games I’ve done so far, about 2 people get REALLY far ahead within a few turns, 3 people end up WAAAAAY behind, and the other 3 people are in an okay spot.
If they removed the rating system, it would actually be pretty fun.

Also, if you are in top 4 and get killed on the same turn as those currently in 5th and 6th, you don’t get credit for top 4. I just got beaten by the person in the #2 slot, while I was number 4, and the 5th and 6th people got beaten on the same turn, and no credit.

Yes, you’re mad because he called you a dunce. But you are one, so i don’t see the big deal ¯_(ツ)_/¯


watched a few streamers last night. Either beast or mech to win. As those are the tribes which have spawn minions death rattles and gain +x/+x when a friendly minion dies
Seemed to be pretty boring as almost 1st place wins came down to the same minions every time


Battlegrounds currently isn’t free. You have to buy those expensive pre-purchase packs to get access now. Meanwhile they drop on you quest Play 2 Games of Battlegrounds. They really do think people are stupid and they are quite right! :laughing:


So people are stupid , because they disagree with you, or because they buy packs?

Well, if people were smart, Hearthstone wouldn’t exist anymore because its success is enabled by addicts and stupid people (players who buy all that virtual garbage)!