Hearthstone battlegrounds looks like complete trash

What the actual hell? What is the appeal in this type of genre or game mode ? I seriously don’t understand kids today and their garbage taste in video games. “Auto chess” games are completely boring to watch, boring to play, and completely stupid as hell. Instead of balancing your game or making a non league of evil expansion for 3 in a row, you dedicated resources to this complete trash of a game mode. Goodbye, I quit for good.


Different people have different tastes. That you don’t like this new game mode doesn’t mean it is objectively bad. It’s just not to your taste.

So you quit playing a game you like because of a new mode added that is completely optional to play, doesn’t affect the existing game modes, and hence can be safely ignored anyway?



I would not say trash, as it has not come out yet. For me, it seems a bit slow. We will see. At least something new.

It looks like a tavern brawl to me

or maybe a paid pve mode to be bundled with an expansion

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they release a free mode and you want them to charge people for it ?..this is why is hard to take people seriously in these forums

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No, its just stupid that they dedicated resources on this bandwagon, farce of a game mode instead of fixing their trash “good for twitch but absolutely terrible to play for real” game


Now I took time to read about Battlegrounds entirely, and it seems a cool concept. I’m going to play it.

it does suck, i would rather play my new commodore 64.


Nice! :grimacing:
(I assure you this post is at least 20 characters in length)

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Assuming they can only do one thing or the other, which is obviously not true.

Did you miss the bit when they said they wanted all the Year of the Dragon expansions to be linked by a shared theme/story?


so you are just complaining for the sake of complaining then


Typical. After 5 years we finally get a new mode for the game and within a day people are already complaining about it. You don’t like Auto-Chess? Cool, you don’t have to play it.

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I actually really like the look of battleground, its new and fresh.


I will only play Battlegrounds to collect gold!


In my opinion, While Battlegrounds is somewhat of a “jumping on the bandwagon” type move for hearthstone to make, the main problem with hearthstone for many people is that it has gotten stale after 5+ years of a few meta shake-ups a year, and battlegrounds is the perfect thing to shrug off a humdrum hearthstone experience. And for those of you who do not expect to enjoy or need the breath of fresh air offered by battlegrounds,(eg. me.), feel free to look forward to the new expansion, which looks great so far. Now if you will excuse me, I need to go to sleep. I hope you respect my opinion as much as I do yours.


Talk about entitled. They add something and you leave? It’s optional you dunce.

Why are you here then? You sound like a dumb, entitled boomer who complains about how “lazy” todays youth are. Ok boomer doesn’t even fix it. But it’s hilariously ironic you slam a game you play? lmfao

Good riddance. Nobody will miss you. Get out.


How dare Blizzard add a completely optional mode that I don’t have to play if I’m not interested but which other people might enjoy?


I won’t play Two-Headed Ogre game However!
But again only for gold quest!

Guys, I dont like pizza therefore pizza hut and dominos are trash tier companies…and also you cant eat pizza either because i dont like it.