New here so maybe this post doesn’t belong here or has been previously discussed - apologies if so! I find that class and hero balance in Hearthstone Battlegrounds is pretty hit or miss across the seasons, and I think pirates could be improved by adding a activation qualifier to the Blade Collector. His ability to attack adjacent minions is amazing, to the point that people not using pirates will use him (especially someone running a class with a lot of stat buffs like Quillboar). Unfortunately, this kind of hamstrings anyone running pirates who have limited options to compete late game (in my opinion). I was trying to think of a solution to this issue - to basically make the Blade Collector less appealing to non-pirate teams. One idea I was thinking about was adding a requirement to his ability - something along the lines of “If you own at least two other pirates, also damages the minions next to whoever this attacks.” This way Blade Collector is more tailored specifically for a pirates team.
Anyway just an idea! Thought I would see what the community thinks.