Hearthstone algorithm is illegal

Looking at the intellectual level of a blizzard fanboy at the same time defending a company that hasn’t released any good games in 15 years (even a “warcraft refailed” remake succeeded in failing, I don’t know how you can fail a remake but blizzard succeeded in this feat) and then the stories of harassment and rape of minors, you really have to be stupid to defend a company like that.


yep the other player put them there because he doesnt want to lose to secret decks it wasnt random generated

What criminal charges were ever filed?

“Rape”, really … rape; & still no criminal charges.

That’s amazing.

Campaing donations to a person who made them disappear, took care of that.

then why with my necrium blaed deck, where my goal is to equip the blade on 3 and break it on 4 with a deathrattle, do I almost never face a player that breaks my weapon on 3 ? that would be my perfect counter yet it never happens, and that’s the deck I play most of the time

That’s a huge bias to use such video to prove your point.
MarkMckz, just as other youtubers and streamers, has a higher play time than the average player. He plays way much more games.
With a highest number of games played, obviously he will sometime face ridiculously unlikely situations.
And it’s these situations he will showcase in his videos because that’s what is interesting to watch.
What about all his over videos where he plays extremely specific decks that could be perfectly countered by a single card yet he never face it in all the games of said video ?
What about all the games that he doesn’t showcase because nothing much happened in them other than just him losing because of his bad decks ?

Both of you have asserted claims without showing evidence.
What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.

So… if you’re going to make claims, get some evidence. Use the deck tracker, play a load of games and you will have evidence. Post that, and we can talk.

Otherwise, its either confirmation bias or you’re just making stuff up. Get some evidence, then come back and make a new thread with evidence to back up your allegations.


first time reading about minors being involved too?

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Yes, it should be removed especially in casual.

20 characters

Yeah. I thought it was employees. So unless they are employing kids…

LMK when you file a class-action lawsuit.

I agree with you. Hearthstone is rigged. Remember Blizz are trying to appease their shareholders and fckin Chynese companies. They will cheat to make that little extra profit.

search online, there are developers who have made very harsh statements for blizzard, there are ongoing legal actions starting from users who have spent thousands of dollars and have realized that the game is not as random as it seems and often on the other side the opponent is fake, he is not human, especially in money-eating modes like the arena where only those who want to throw away their money will pay

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