With the final wing of Galakrond’s Awakening releasing in a few days, it seems as though the Year of the Dragon will finally be drawing to a close, barring any new balance changes. So, after that, we can start looking forward to what the new year will bring us. I’m excited for a fresh new year of Hearthstone, and thought it would be fun to put together a bit of a wishlist on things that I’d like to see in 2020:
The return of Rogue secrets. It’s been a full two years since Kobolds and Catacombs introduced the idea of Rogue secrets into the game. Since then, however, the mechanic has seemingly disappeared, making them more of an anomaly than anything else. I’d say that 2020 would be the perfect time to reintroduce Rogue secrets into the game, giving the class something new and interesting to tinker with.
Solidification of Class Identities. It’s no secret that much of the Hearthstone community has been irritated by the lack of consistency in class identity as of late, particularly with regards to Shaman, who has seemed to break their professed class identity, and Paladin, who hasn’t really been allowed to develop a true class identity of its own. I’d love to see 2020 focus more on pinning down class identities rather than introducing half-supported mechanics in every set that are never allowed to truly flourish.
More ways to obtain old card backs. The fire festival event that allowed players to obtain the old Ragnaros card back was really neat, and I’d love for this trend to continue in the next year. Newer players, and even older players like myself who weren’t able to obtain some of the card backs released early in Hearthstone’s history, would love this opportunity, and it would be great to keep introducing ways to obtain these cosmetics.
More story based single-player content. I know many people have been complaining about Galakrond’s awakening as being too easy, but that’s never really been the point of single player adventures. I love the stories and slight campiness that we get in such content, which are also rife with in-jokes. I was getting rather tired of the dungeon run style adventures that they’d been giving us, and hope that we’ll get more of these story based adventures in 2020.
A revamp/revisit of the Classic Set. Much has been said about the classic set, and I think that it is time to reevaluate it. It’s not particularly useful to keep HoFing the best cards in the classic set and replacing them with new, garbage cards. It would be fantastic to see a total reworking of the Classic set that outlines clear class identities and contains strong, but not ubiquitously powerful, cards.
An integration of the tournament mode for Hearthstone. This was something that has long been promised, but hasn’t quite made it into the game yet. The ability to create and manage tournaments through Hearthstone itself would be a really neat addition, especially if the Devs offered their own tournaments each week with their own rules and prize support, similar to Brawliseum, Arena, and Tavern Brawl. Plus, it would be nice for some of the jaded players who don’t want to have to adapt to the ladder meta to be able to put together tournaments with various restrictions and card bans, so that they can play without feeling the need to call for nerfs constantly.
Anyways, those are some of the items on my 2020 wishlist. Feel free to share any of yours!
Removal of the $80.00 bundle, an it’s contents to be the new standard for the $50.00 bundle.
Quests to reward half the gold reward as dust. Example: 60 gold 30 dust. 80g 40 dust. 100g 50 dust.
1 free Arena ticket every week.
Wild an Standard mode now both give reward chests, to help participation in both formats.
Implement a new reward system called “gems”. These are gifted in the end season chests, an allow the craft of any gold card = to gems color. Example: Purple gem = golden epic.
Reward people who do all the dailys per week with an extra 2 random packs.
Tournament mode. Basically a special format where you create new rules for play. Card bannings, lower or higher starting life, deck sizes, certain card rarities only etc.
Once a year, offer a special legend cardback to promote people to hit legend before the year ends. Like year of the Mammoth, Kracken etc.
Battlegrounds can be queued with multiple friends at once.
No more duplicate Epics until you have them all like legendaries.
Abandoning Reddit to promote discussion on your public boards.
Make Warlocks broken in the new year.
Quarterly wild tournaments, with a prize pool large enough to make it worthwhile for overseas players, and at least some coverage of the qualifying stages.
Put some of the $1.5M raised for HS esports from the YotD bundle towards wild tourneys, and make it actually worth participating in… A $30K prize pool, once a year, is simply not good enough. $100K 4 times a year would actually do something to promote the format.
But, who am I kidding. I doubt we will even see the once a year $30K prize pool wild tourney in 2020, its usually been announced by now…
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More support for wild format.
Well, as the guy above said(I’ll duplicate)
“Quests to reward half the gold reward as dust. Example: 60 gold 30 dust. 80g 40 dust. 100g 50 dust.”
“Wild an Standard mode now both give reward chests, to help participation in both formats.”
That would be perfect.
Dust as part of daily quest rewards!
Dust as part of daily quest rewards!
Dust as part of daily quest rewards!
Dust as part of daily quest rewards!
Dust as part of daily quest rewards!
Dust as part of daily quest rewards!
Purchase old cardbacks that you don’t already own.
Other ways to obtain alternate heroes.
I only have 1 wish for the game.
That the devs actually become more active here than they do on any other forums.
Am I being too greedy here?
The gem in season chest idea is kind of redundant - you already get a golden epic at rank 5, dust it and craft an epic you need.
A way to obtain old alternate heroes one has missed out on.
And more alternate heroes in general so the monetisation of the game shifts a bit more thowards cosmetics rather than cards, as decks are becomimg quite expensive.
One thing Elder Scrolls Legends did really well, is make the monthly reward a new card. I think it would help the game a lot and engender good will by offering a free new card every month, in which you get one copy for rank 20 and two copies for rank 10.
give me bunch of Murlocs and I will stop complaining about this game ~.~
I desperately want a return of the Puzzle Labs format. It remains the greatest piece of single player Hearthstone content I’ve ever played, and I’ve been excruciatingly disappointed to see the team fall back on the dungeon run/original adventure formats.
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hell no, monthly chests/seasons would become pointless if we could get the rewards later/from another way
and my only wish: stop with this p2w bs, adventure+xpac x 3 makes hs the most expensive game
1 Make Arena not suck
2 See #1
3 See #2
nerf face hunter , it’s just disgusting and not fun at all
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If you make a career status of HS (big money winnings) the state of the game could change very dramatically and make things worse. I’m not sure that’s healthy option for a majority of players (big cash prizes will make some players spend even more money and it will become unplayable by anyone else)
I just care about fishes!!
- Murloc that would merge and create one big bad fish
- Murloc that gives HP (legendary 1 mana cost )
- Murloc that provides a buff!
Less Discovery and Lifesteal
Much much much more “random” generation and card shuffling oh so predictable card drops and “routine” play.
Faced a Rogue
Yep turn 1 discover a legendary minion. The secret is out you can get this on turn one all the time.
Spectral Cutlass is back with all the steal cards steal cards steal cards
Still got the Rogue beat until but perhaps it was his second discover a legendary minion or maybe his first. Or may n the 8 cards he stole or discovered. But also discover a rush legendary minion when the chips were down to save him. Crucial it had rush. Basically Rogues have 6 or 8 Zephyrs they can play.
Drops Noz restoring both players to full health. Nice! Considering I was at 30 and they were at 8.
Which brings us down the road to the typical PATTERN
Drop Tess Greymane get a full board of minions for all the stolen cards played plus yada yada yada as I wind you who board as well and I win.
Wishing for more skill vs all I have to do is follow this routine play today and every day and I will win when I drop the final card that wins it.