Headless Horseman Feedback

I understand that this is probably going to seem a little out of place considering Death Knight is actually in a pretty solid spot in terms of power level in the metagame, but I do have issues with how weak Headless Horseman is.

I’ll be clear that it’s not a BAD card, but when you look at the hero cards we’ve seen across the 10 years of this game, I have to say that Headless Horseman definitely ranks as one of the weaker ones, especially if you’re adjusting for what Hearthstone looks like in 2024. Dealing 3 damage for 2 mana SOUNDS insane, but it’s actually pretty underwhelming, and games can flip in the span of a turn to the point where you can’t rely on an efficient source of damage every turn. Dealing 3 and discovering a card is definitely worth spending 2 mana, but you have to draw the pumpkin, and that’s way easier said than done.

I think the strongest element of Horseman is the battlecry combined with 5 armor, and that’s pretty sad considering it’s basically a combination of Asphyxiate and a 2 (0) mana Warrior card for 1 (3) more mana.

I think my main issue with why I want Horseman to be a better card is that this is the first hero card Death Knight has received in its collection, and it’s kind of lame to have such a mediocre card be the first hero. I love the theme/flavor of the card, and I enjoy the deck it’s in, but the card just feels really underwhelming.

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I actually think the card is decent. The only thing that I don’t like about it is the really lame voice lines. The only one I like is the hahahahahah. :slight_smile:

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solid spot? DKs lose constantly. wtf are you talking about hahahahaha

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I think the card’s okay actually, it’s mainly for control/slower paced decks which elongate the game and make drawing the head easier to do, other types of dks I think are simply gonna have a harder time doing that (there’s also that owl card that can make it easier), if I were to buff it I would make it so that the hero power gives a corpse so you still have a reliable way to generate corpses without the ghoul, or maybe make it so that the undead it gives is cost reduced by 1 so it could be easier to generate them that way

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Both Plague and Rainbow are very close to 50% winrate. Low Tier 2 or high tier 3. They’re not super impressive or anything but I wouldn’t call them bad.

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