Have some decency!

3th time now. Battlegrounds.
18 rounds, 18 wins. 19th round, final opponent. Loss :frowning:
Why cant people have the decency to sell their boards when your about to get the spice pretzels ?!

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as I have been repeating for years, we are in the presence of one of the most colossal scams existing today in the videogame field, a game totally under the control of algorithms that manipulate everything without any shadow of randomness, which is passed off as f2p instead it is p2w cubed, i same that I don’t spend a dollar I can testify (you will find hundreds of videos online) that if I play duels with my account I have an average of 3 wins, if instead I play with the account of a friend who has spent thousands of dollars on hs la average rises to 5 or even 6, each “discover” casually becomes excellent in 80% of cases, a hallucinating stuff and for ten years we have all been spending money and time on a colossal scam

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Either you’re an trolling idiot or a trolling bot

This was a post about someone who wanted spicy pretzel mustard achievement and was essentially joking about someone letting him get it by selling their board.