Has the time finally arrived?

I’ve been playing this game for 10+ years. In that time I’ve always kept up to date with doing quests (at least playing the game once a week, though usually daily or on most days).

But something changed recently. I went over a week without playing, letting my quests lapse. And I have no plans on playing the game this week, either. Despite this being the account I care about for 10 years, despite being F2P and “needing” the gold quests and playing provide, I just…don’t anymore. I think maybe, it’s over for me.

I just want to know if anyone has had a similar experience? 10 years of caring, and then suddenly and unexpectedly, it’s gone? What happened?


I’ve only been playing for 5 years, but I also take breaks and let my quests lapse occasionally. It’s just hard for me to stay interested in the same thing for so long. Plus logging in just to do quests feels like a job, and that’s not fun.

Take a break. Your account will still be there when and if you want to come back.


Are you also free to play? The thing is I don’t believe I’d be back as I’ve never taken a break before. It’s like idk, I think maybe the game is just over for me now? Idk why it happened

I am not. I was for my first few months, but I enjoyed the game enough that I started spending money on it. I’ve skipped out on the last few per-orders, but I still bought the tavern pass, even after telling myself that I wasn’t going to do it this time lol

I’ve taken breaks from other games, some F2P, some not. It’s not worth playing if it isn’t fun any more, no matter how much time or money has been spent

So, I can understand why it is easy for you to take breaks when your “time is not money” and you can easily catch up (and surpass someone like me) with your wallet. For a F2P it is much different experience with the game.

I agree. But that doesn’t mean you should continue to play a game that you no longer enjoy

As a F2P you had to, even when the game sucked because otherwise you’d fall even farther behind when you already also start far behind. But yeah, it does seem to be over now. I no longer have any desire or urge to force myself to keep up with the game. I guess it is probably a blessing in disguise

If you do take a break for over 90 days and come back, you’ll get to try out 6 loaner decks for 7 days for which you’ll get to keep one at the end of it. You’ll also get a questline with 3 catch up packs which contain up to 50 cards each depending on your collection.

But it really depends on what is your expectation for how much of a collection you want as a F2P. For me I was F2P for my first 4 months then decided I wanted most cards so I started spending. If you do miss an expansion or so and come back it’ll take a while to catch back up but it’s not as bad as it used to be since you get Standard packs multiple ways from Tavern Brawl and Rewards Track.

You might end up with less epics and legendaries for an expansion but who needs those legendaries, sometimes they can be substituted. Unfortunate situation with Perils in Paradise in that Tourists cannot be substituted.

Unfortunately I don’t really care about my collection I only ever just played for fun and it seems my fun has disappeared for some reason so now it’s over

Maybe it is, but as Jonius pointed out, any account that goes dormant for 90 days, passively gets a free deck and three Catch Up packs. It probably will not equal the resources you would have earned had you stayed and played a lot for those three months, but if you leave, and find that you miss the game, it will not be a huge setback should you comeback.

You are not alone in this experience, because HS is hemorrhaging players—there is a reason for why such huge comeback incentives are being offered, and I do not see that stopping any time soon.

I have taken a few breaks from HS for different reasons, and I enjoyed coming back each time. The first time break I took a break was because HS felt stagnant with Miracle Rogue dominating most metas for almost two years.

I have three old accounts, with a lot of people on my friend lists. I am constantly pruning people who have abandoned the game from those lists. I use to have 200 to 300 friends logged in at any given time, but these days, I rarely ever see more than 110 friends online.

I took several long breaks from MTG as well, and I thoroughly enjoyed relearning how to play well again each time that I returned to the game.

Fortunately, when constructed metas suck, which for me, is most of the time, I have been able to find fun in another mode, like BGs or Arena.

HS had problems and your reaction is not out place, and if the devs fail to improve the game, more a more players will feel similarly to how you feel.

I’ve been playing on and off since late 2014. If you are questioning whether you should play or not, generally it’s going to point towards you wanting to do something else. That’s perfectly fine, don’t let fomo keep you playing. Explore new games, Hearthstone will still be here should you decide to return. Good luck =)


I almost got to that point a month ago. I let the complaining on the forum and medias get me. I started to hate the game , Meta etc. Then i decided to make my own decks & enjoy the style I like instead of focussing on my rank. I started playing battlegrounds, climb when I feel like it. Mess around with new decks & just have fun. But also do yourself a favour and spend the money in the catch up pack. You’ll get prob 100+ cards and a bunch of legendary if your missing a lot. If not just have fun check out other stuff and don’t grind if it makes you mad. Imo

I’ve taken breaks from the game but lately the game has changed into something I really dislike. At first I forced myself to play to complete weekly quests but then they made the quests take stupidly longer to do. Then I started to hate the art direction of everything from hero skins to strikes. Now with this new patch that is absolutely terrible I might finally be done. The sad thing is that I really enjoy other games and have more fun playing them and that didn’t used to be the case, there were only a few games I liked playing more than HS but now there are many of them.

That’s a personal issue; I’m not sure what you want to confirm here; of course others like you existed in the past.

Did you get married or something? People often abandon all rigorous gaming in those cases.

If you are asking yourself “Has the time finally arrived?” about quitting a video game, then you have an addiction problem. Period, final answer.

If a mentally healthy adult doesn’t feel like playing a game, they just quit playing. No ceremony, no buildup, no forum thread. A video game isn’t that important to a mentally healthy adult.

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I wouldn’t phrase it that way, but yeah. Sometimes I feel like not playing but I don’t like losing the progress; a middle way solution is to mainly do the quests; that’s an advantage over World of Warcraft where to do that ιτ meant I had to still grind a lot.

in wow, i always wanted a thunderfury sword, and after i got it, my drive to play the game fizzled, and now i just dont care about it