Has anyone else started doing this?

Or have done it in the past?

I am talking about auto-conceding certain matchups. Like for me right now if I see Druid or Warrior I auto concede. Sure there is an off chance I might win (probably not though). But it is really just not fun to play at all. So I auto concede them. I feel it’s like a form of protest. Does anyone else do this? Should we be doing this? Will things change? It’s weird to say but Rogue is a cupcake compa

I will usually try to not concede. But if in a given night there’s a deck that I’m playing and I run into another deck that is known for countering the deck I’m playing, I much rather concede than put myself through misery when I know that I can recoup the loss anyway.

For the sake of sanity it’s sometimes the best option. :slight_smile:

It seems all I can face are druid warrior and priest who I just added to auto concede policy. I won’t go more than 3 though, shaman rogue and paladin are only other ones I’ve faced in the past few hours. Oh, and one, indeed, poor Warlock.

What are you playing against them?

I was using Odd Demon Hunter Hobgoblin Magic Carpet