Harmonic and Dissonant Achievements Help Request

Hello everyone, I hope you’re all doing well.
I am posting about this topic as I recently got back into Hearthstone and was looking through some of the achievements to see a lot give golden card rewards, at least from older sets. The main two I’m wanting to focus on at the moment are the Harmonic and Dissonant Achievements as I mainly play Wild with friends but I know I need to complete the achievements in ranked play to get the rewards.

My main question that I’m asking is which class would be best for me to try to play as many of the Harmonic / Dissonant spells as possible in as few games as possible please?

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searching the collection with Harmonic would find you "6"results 5 harmonic cards and a harmonica soloist(he is useless for the task at hand… and most things)

the druid and rogue are the cheapest and by such the easiest to play, alongside tidepool pupil you can start generating extra copies.

Rogue can fill out their deck with cards that discover/add cards from other classes to their hand so you should(not high probability by there is a chance) be able to generate other harmonic cards.

Harmonic disco and pop are both holy so if a card generates holy spells these can be generated(“watcher of the sun” battlecry as an example)

my guess is rogue but I don’t know your collection or the viability of a deck trying to just play harmonic/dissonant spells so hard to say how fast you die


Thank you for your feedback on this, I hadn’t thought about Tidepool Pupil when I was thinking about this idea, but that might be a good way for me to quickly get extra copies, thank you! :smiley:
I guess I should have mentioned I wasn’t against crafting some cards to help accelerate this process as my main goal is just to play the cards as much and as often as possible before I inevitable get defeated by my opponent in ranked :laughing:

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