Happy 10th anniversary

Thanks for 10 years heres hoping for another 10 years :slight_smile:


Happy 10 years friend!

I must say the screen looks amazing with the festive decorations they added, the newly added skins are very eye-catching also.

As you said, here’s to 10 more years! :heart:


Yes friend the new skins are and the decorations :slight_smile:

I cant wait to see the signatures cards for this new expansion its has very cool art :slight_smile:


Happy Birthday! I’m already working towards the new coin.


Because it gives a golden version of the spells that no one asked for and there is still no way to turn these golden cards into dust. That’s not cool!! It would be cool if the game gave packs and not card skins. You have to be a North American to think this is wonderful!!

The game gives card skins, all rubbish! I don’t use anything gold card. The cards in this new collection are quite frustrating!! Where is Microsoft that still hasn’t fired the people who create card effects?? (This collection is really weak!! Great, I’m not going to buy anything!! The only good legendary was DK and Warlock (*only in wild mode), the others are rubbish that won’t see play!!)


bruh, cant u be thankful for anything? if you need more dust and or packs, go get a job and earn more funds, with respect:) -Singu


we never were able to dust uncraftables

since 2014

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Someone gets it.

I called this before the event: pretty underwhelming. No hero skins they aren’t selling, no real giveaways for the community, and only another grindy event track.

At least the wow devs actually tried for their ten year in game. And they actually mailed people real life items, even if it was an orc statue.


This is trash. I was so excited for this event. Smh, trash

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The Door is -----> buh bai

Now the real question is if the mods will address trolling that would get anyone else actioned if they had posted anything remotely close to that.

But only pro company posters get to openly flame posters and threads with impunity.

Anyone knows what else we are getting other than the duplicated gold cards?

Everyone got the standard copies when they logged in when the event went live. the xp track is for the golden copies of the same cards so if you are one of those people that make all golden cards decks, then you can enjoy the freebies in gold too.

The Coin is really the only thing that sets it apart as far as I know. The event is completely optional and most likely will be achieved even if you just play no differently than you already do. so its a nice background event that requires no attention or effort from you for you to get any benefit from. Like a birthday party. You can just be in the room of the birthday person and have done no prep, no gift giving, nothing at all from you at all and yet you can still be offered some free cake. No one makes a birthday party with the idea the birthday person is to be expected to give gifts to the party goers. (It could and maybe even has happened in some cases, but in the wide experiences one has with birthdays, the vast majority of them dont include the birthday person being expected to give the gifts to their party).