Hacks and cheating rampant

Been noted and proven that Arena is full of hacks and cheats, but I just witnessed it in standard.

A warrior lost his snapshot (got burned) from having to many cards, but he used it near the end of the game… I have had my suspesions that players where putting cards in their hands (wonder) how they ALWAYS have an answer to what you play?

If Blizzard is UNABLE or UNWILLING to combat this rampant cheating in this game than please just close the game down. Getting tired of having to play against cheaters.

If it was a Brann warrior they would have gotten two snapshots after playing Brann

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I gotta ask. Is it the first time you’ve played against Warrior in this meta? The most popular deck and one of the most used right now is BRANN Warrior.

If that isn’t the case, I’d post a gameplay of the match on social media as that’s where the devs usually are and respond.

He had used snapshot before he played Brann

Without a replay it’s difficult to say what happened there. I will say that but for the incident confined to duels a few months ago that I have never seen replay or video evidence of any cheating/hacking in Hearthstone the way you are describing it

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