Hack or bug? Neptulon soul mirror

Priest uses soul mirror on my neptulon.
It creates 4 hands instead of two.
My neptulon is destroyed and the two hands.
The priest is left with a neptulon and 4 hands.

Hack or bug?

Anyone have an explanation?

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I think it is because when they “summon” neptulon it creates 2 more hands for them + the hands they also “summon” that you already have. It is very typical of preist to have these sort of cards and interactions where it’s difficult to determine whether it is a hack or bug or somehow for some reason, intended


This is why you shouldn’t play wild.

How did I not figure that out with my genius level IQ?
Makes sense.

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you should start reading this isnt a hidden interaction (like deathrattles resolving on the order the cards are played )

the colossal+x tooltip

and soul mirror texts explains everything

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neptulon has the keyword “Colossal”, meaning whenever you summon a copy it will summon 2 more hands.

He also summoned copies of the hands on board, so its 4

idk if it should work like that, but ok.

It worked as intended. Remember Soul Mirror is not played on any minion. It summons copies all enemy minions. It would have worked the same on any colossal.


As already mentioned, Soul Mirror creates copies of the minions you have in play. Colossal X summons X additional minions regardless of how the Colossal minion entered play.

So when you play your Neptulon on an empty board you get 1 Neptulon and 2 Hands. If the opponent then plays Soul Mirror, the spell sees 3 minions to copy, but the Neptulon it creates will come with 2 hands of his own, giving the priest 2 left hands, 2 right hands and 1 Neptulon (assuming they have 5 free spaces).

Then when their Neptulon attacks, it will send in as many hands as required to kill the target (up to all 4), which in this case basically doubles the damage their Neptulon deals.