Guides for new players around here?

Hi, just wondering if there is a community guide for new players around here?

I am talking about:

  • Deck building (I learned that putting in legendaries is NOT a guaranteed win)
  • Thought process of making card play (or skip turn, heal enemies, baiting, etc)
  • Knowledge about opponent’s deck (expert players seem to be able to guess this very early in the game)

If any, maybe the link can be added here and stickied to help new players?

Thanks in advance

Hello, this series is a good start.
“Trump’s Basic Teachings”

This is also a good one.

Knowledge about the opponent’s deck comes mostly with experience, but anyone can analyze the current meta and memorize the cards. There’s a site called HSReplay, it will show you what’s popular.

If you have more questions, or are interested in some free coaching, feel free to add me. freckles#12809


Here is the link to the stickied help links in the old forum:

There is also Zee’s guide, which I don’t see listed at first glance:


Heh, yeah - they just got wiped out by the change the new forums.
Silverangel has the links above though.

On the topic of Deckbuilding specifically I highly recommend the Deck Doctor series on the Omnislash youtube channel. In it Firebat (the 2014 World Champion) takes a decklist submitted to him over twitter and tries to make it better. He does a really good job of explaining his thought process and why he’s changing what he’s changing and stuff.

Here’s the latest episode:

The channel in general has a bunch of great Hearthstone content so I would really recommend it.

My other suggestion for learning better play it to watch strong players on Twitch - particularly ones that do a good job of explaining their plays and thought processes. My personal favorites are again the Omnislash guys (Firebat, Brian Kibler, Zalae), but there are a ton of good Hearthstone streamers out there.

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I believe you must start playing lot of arenas for start… ;p