Greybough should be nerfed

Yes if you cant mass silence you are dead. Constantly cycling over enemy adds.

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I do agree it seems rather insane for the cost, isn’t it like a 5 mana 4/6 taunt? That’s already Premium, then they give it an effect which is most often free and infinite 4/6 taunts…which is obviously a problem unless you’re idk…Priest with shard of naaru or something?

42% overall win rate metric isn’t the worst, but it’s definitely not nerf worthy.

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What do you mean? Lets say I play “insert tier 0 broken meta deck” and concede 10 times in a row (for no reason). It now has 0% win rate. Does that mean it is no longer a broken meta deck? It has 0% win rate, after all. Do you see how stupid this would be to base design and change on something that gets so easily artificially changed?

Here’s another example. A professional sports draft is happening. All metrics shown for all the players, basically determines their draft order. Now, the bad scouts/GMs, will simply follow what they are told about certain players. Whatever their stats were, etc. Because of this, a player like Nikola Jokic is drafted 41st out of 60 overall. See where I’m going with this? This is why the MOST important statistic is one which can’t even be quantified. It is called “the eye test”. Greybough deck passes this eye test, even if it doesn’t appear to be statistically “that good/bad”.

Hope you’ve learned something today

I learned you name drop someone that Ive never heard of so your point wasnt actually made any clearer by doing so.

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im pretty sure his attempting to use a fallacy


He’s just one of the greatest basketball stars of a generation, don’t worry about it. Fortunately you don’t need to know the exact person for the example to understand the point. If you still somehow don’t, I’m sure there’s a search engine out there you can use to type either Nikola Jokic, or The Eye Test (sports) for clarification. Though making a snide comment works too, it’s all good :+1:

Nope, but thank you for using words you don’t even understand, made me smile :blush:

Silence tends to nerf it pretty hard

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This would track if we were talking about sports. We are not, as it happens, talking about sports.

Here in the world of CCG’s, cards don’t have “bad days” where they randomly miss a free throw. Cards are cards, and the colloquially dubbed “Unkilliax” is never NOT going to be as broken as it was, unless it gets nerfed in some manner.

And in order to determine what needs nerfing, you can use the “eye test” as you put it to gauge “watchlists” and get a feel for what you should be paying attention to. You can also, in rare cases, make changes to things that simply “feel” OP even if the data says otherwise. But, at the end of the day, this is a CCG where cards are cards. If it’s broken in one game, the only way it’s NOT broken in the next, is if something was different in that other game. Maybe there’s a class specific card that shuts Unkilliax down, for example. Or maybe that other card just wasn’t popularly used (yet). Or maybe Unkilliax was never drawn that game. Etc.

That’s why data is important for static situations like cards in a CCG. And by the way, we’re not talking “ten games” here - I pulled that data directly from THE biggest data aggregation software Hearthstone even has right now. THOUSANDS of games were analyzed to come up with that figure. Again, you might have had a point if it were “just one person” who intentionally threw “just 10 games” but to dismiss what I’m talking about here because you like basketball, is incredibly glib, best case.

I hope you learned something today.

Case in point, right there.

Think of the ways to prevent Unkilliax synergy with rezzing mechanics. They’re pretty limited. You have to get Unkilliax off the board without killing it. Now compare that, to the ways in which you can neutralize Greybough. Silence is MUCH easier to pull off than Reno. And, Reno would ALSO work, for that matter.

But maybe Greybough was just having an off day because he only got scouted 41 out of 60. /shrug