Great Catch'up Packs Initiative

Hello everyone!

Firstly, THANK YOU Hearthstone designers for creating the Catch’up Packs! I’ve just opened my 7 free packs with a total of 104 cards, which I would never had hoped to get otherwise. And what’s more, including a totally awesome legendary “MAD” card from Nathria! What I really mean to say is that it is important to thank this kind of initiative no matter the cards we receive.

Secondly, as a minor statement, I was just a bit surprised that among all those cards I found none of them were of an epic rarity. I don’t really know how this works, but it just surprised me. Nonetheless, I don’t care at all about this particular matter since, as I said before, I thank again for all the cards received this way no matter which they were.

Thirdly, I really hope this Catch’up Initiative will be seen again in the future!

Thanks again for the game and I hope everyone is enjoying it!

(As for my context as HS player I played in the time of Old Golds and Gadgetzan, then left, and came back recently with the Festival of Legends. I must admit I miss a little bit the fun in Adventures such as the memorable Kel’thuzad quotes and jokes, but I find the new mini-set initiative very nice too!)

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There has been rumours that catch up packs reset your legendary timer and somewhat contrary evidence.

A far as we know the epic drop chance is unchanged. My last free catch up pack was 3 common, 1 rare,1 epic so they definitely drop.

Thanks for your reply Ngita,

Unfortunately idk all about drop rates of legendaries since so many things seem to be involved: different types of packs (expansion, standard, class, catch’up, golden standard) plus the Reward Track (the legendary cards rewarded).
I just wanted to pinpoint the catchup initiative was brilliant, leaving apart the implications of getting more or less Legendary cards.

Thanks again and wish you Merry Christmas Events go better for you!