Great Card Back this month!

Very lovely and very festive card back!
I guess this is my choice of a favorite for the next month


Yeah, I already saw it last month because realized they always add the next 2 month card backs too into the game. (January month can be also checked in there. :wink: ) After work I will get it too and set together with other festive card backs because loves to use them in winter season. :christmas_tree: :gift: :candle: :bell: :santa:

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You have to be a kid to be happy with card skins!

Not really… You just need to be someone who actually likes to play this game and enjoy it by using his own card backs too. I am nearly 40 just telling you. :slight_smile: Why do you think only kids may like card backs? :roll_eyes:


Don’t you have a thread to make where you are crying about Mage, stop policing people’s fun.

Did I tell a lie?? Legendary mage cards are so trash that legendary level players don’t use them in their decks!!

OK!! In all TCG, what really matters are the cards and not the skin of something within the game.