Got to legend. Game is a garbage fire

This game used to be about fighting for board control and interacting with the opponent. Every deck now is just board wipes, removal, and combo. It is honestly feels like everything is just a solitaire deck. It is honestly pretty disappointing to see how bad the game has gotten.


Solitaire deck.

How original. Might start using that one.


You can play against wheel lock who does nothing but board wipes.
Or warrior who does nothing but board wipes until combo.
Or pally who does play minions but really just combos.
There is minimal interactions at all and it is just sad.


A lot of that was counterable with disruption but they removed most of the disruption from standard. but people complained about that too. The trouble is they try and please everyone which ultimately pleases no-one

Yeah, sure is fun getting twisting nethered 4 times in one game. Incredibly interactive.


thats interaction because they dont ignore your minions

the one decki can think of that doesnt bother interacting most of the time is shaman otk

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This is not a thing. At all.

White knights totally are though

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I 2000% know you’re wrong, but that’s OK… and Ill tell you why.

ONE HUNDRED PERCENT, if I, personally worked for Team 5 on Hearthstone, I owuld have my own personal account to play the game. I mean, I have one currently and dont even work for Blizzard…


I would 1000% lurk in these forums on my account, lets call It “MandMcBoreas”

And I would totally comment in the forums.

How is this a foreign concept to you?

You think people who work at Starbucks don’t drink Starbucks coffee?

Why would you think this way?

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If I was the head of Team 5, I would fire you for not dedicating all of your waking hours to crunch. They’re not paid to play games.

There’s no way you could govern my personal time/account.

Mind you, I never said the undercover Team 5 posters were official.

I think they post here at their leisure.

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They don’t post here at all because management doesn’t allow employees to waste their time.

“Um, AcTuAlLy”
I can’t imagine being this type of person.


What are you smoking dude?

You think they live at the Blizzard headquarters and work 24/7?

Even if your ridiculous comment was true, I would post here while I was taking a crap at the Team 5 HQ

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Have you ever physically visited a game developer? I have. They are literally set up like they want their employees to be comfortable, but never leave. I saw a couple guys passed out on couches. I didn’t visit Blizzard though.

I believe you.

I’d still troll the forums on my poop break.

Pretty much all the “white knights” are clearly spending more than their toilet time on monitoring the forums.

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you seem to be confusing ranked mode with the literal game of hearthstone

ranked mode is not hearthstone as a whole

you can literally do anything you want(within the rules of the game, duh!)

i can do anything i want in this game, so i do

i only have fun while playing, rank means nothing to me

I’m not sure what’s more pathetic… People who, for some reason, still have undying devotion to this objectively horrible game company, or anonymous employee accounts :rofl:

…or people who continue to engage with a product they hate?


He already covered that with “People who, for some reason, still have undying devotion to [what they think is an] objectively horrible game company.” People like Bobafett and Right and BoVice who just can’t stop posting.

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