Finally got legend for the month with a Control priest deck, by far the hardest deck to pilot that I have played to legend. Final tally was 57 to 43 and a 58% win rate. Exactly 100 games and 25% were vs. shaman.
All the paladin players went to shaman it seems. With my climb to legend this month I saw the following as opponents in D5 to Legend. :
71% vs. rogue
67% vs. mage
64% in priest mirror
62% vs. demon hunter
60% vs. druid
57% vs. paladin
55% vs. hunter
52% vs. shaman
50% vs. warlock
44% vs. warrior
Overall win rate 58%
I found it interesting how paladin and shaman completely flipped their representation in D5 to Legend. Does this mean shaman is too good now? I thought it useful to share the stats of what I saw so far. I use HS deck tracker.
Currently at D3 and grinding. Honestly, I haven’t seen too many Shamans, but those doom hammer deck is indeed very efficient. Quite a lot of demon hunter, warriors
Shaman has been unplayable since barrens launched, so immediately after it was “buffed” to being good up from unplayable, there’s bound to be a spike of people playing him.
if people continue playing him, and if they reach the 30% representation of old paladins, remains to be seen, but a temnporary spike is within expectations.
don´t use a tracker, currently also climbing (or being slightly stuck) in d2/1 and while i don´t have exact data i can say that the most played decks are for sure:
deathrattle DH
Doomhammer Shaman
and then a little less popular but still
Rush Warrior
don´t think i´ve seen a paladin in the last 25games, 1warlock to annoy me and 1-2priest mirrors.
against dr dh you need to keep track of how much their max burst is and not use aoe removal unless you absolutely need to as you need it for their nzoth and blackthorn turns. you usually have very tight windows to swing the board so you need to plan ahead what your turns are gonna be.
Control is indeed not easy to pilot you re in for the long run and that invites many more chances for missplays , as for many people playing Shaman it did get great cards but also people were longing to play the class while Paladin is still good its just boring old news at this point.
yea, DH is very awkward to deal with as priest currently as the minions are kinda terribly shaped for priest and his main weakness is just dying to aggro himself - which priest is ill equiped to do.
Against all Odds is a really good disciover in the matchup, as it can deal with al the 3attack minions, soul mirror obviously is great (especially if he has the legendary hunter thingy on board as that counts for your mirror to just value trade all over the board.
And later on there´s just no surprises, you just need to set yourself up to deal with the 8/8 9 dmg face. big taunts help a lot here, or just healing+sw:death and the likes.
that being said, if they hit their curve and just layer 3 8/8+alex within 4 turns there´s nothing you can do. Just relish in the knowledge that they struggle vs hunter and shaman a lot more than you do.
57% vs DH (4-3)
71% vs Druid (5-2)
67% vs Hunter (2-1)
100% vs Mage (1-0)
0% vs Paladin (0-0)
75% vs Priest (3-1)
50% vs Rouge (2-2)
71% Shaman (5-2)
100% vs Warlock (2-0)
100% vs Warrior (7-0)
Control matchups are extremly free if you know how to properly play them. Warlock is just bad. Paladin is basically extinct. There are very little Hunter and Mage.
I saw this list on Outofcards in a decklist suggestion post and I liked it. Lot of fun to play and the Wave of Apathy and Against all Odds combo is nasty and will clear any board. This helped a lot as well as the Cabal Acolytes that mind control with Wave. You can also steal cards with the pirates.
I beat a few warlocks stealing Jaraxxus, others stealing their Nzoth (so I had 2) and some shaman stealing Instructor Fireheart. Mutanus tends to eat big important cards by the later turns and sometimes people just concede. Other games it was setting up a Xyrella turn or saving heals for one.
Against shaman you don’t want to sit on your heals. I also suggest in some matchups you start using renews at turn 1 so that when you palm read something you discovered gets the discount
It’s a control/steal priest list and works quite well once you get the hang of it. It’s just learning what to discover, when, why and anticipating what options you will need later. The deck feels like playing chess.
On my climb to legend in the priest mirrors, nobody was running the same list. Which is why it did so well in the priest mirrors.
i mean i like the scoundrels but it feels a little slow in anything that is not a control mirror?
Really like the wave+against all odds synergy, hadn´t even thought about that one.
is Samuro carrying a lot of weight vs the more aggro/wider matchups (DH, Rush Warri, Hunter) or do you think the list can do good without him (don´t have him currently, still on the fence spending dust on him as i also don´t have many warrior/paladin cards)
The scoundrels are a premium stated 4 drop at 5/5 and Nzoth rezzes them. They also let you take important cards (Fireheart vs shaman and Jaraxxus are some good examples.)
Samuro is clutch in some matchups if you can set him up with apotheosis and you get a full heal to 30 of of him and a full clear. Samuro is a great card for priest because of this.
The wave and odds combo is great and people never expect it and will go wide on the board (rush warrior, which was a bad matchup for me.)
Odds also clears hunter since most of their stuff is an odd attack number or buffed to an odd number.
also found odds to be great vs DH as they mostly have 3 attack minions, maybe i should give putting a hard copy in instead of just discovering them a try.
i guess my main problem with scoundrel would be that i don´t see it have any value vs hunter and earlier today it felt like 70%of D1 was just facehunter and it just feels very 50/50 at best as your wincon is basically stick a minion with apo and then stick another one so you can actually attack past the freezing trap he got of his godda*n riffle.
If you are running wave in your deck or discovering the silence card, hysteria, nova. You are often just trying to stall out until you can get your 6 drop taunts down. The samuro combo would help vs. hunter. The name of the game in priest vs. hunter is just stall and mitigate to the later game. Aggro is a tough matchup. But if they draw on curve, probably a loss. It happens.
personally i dont like to play wave in priest (its fine to discover) as its expensive and more specific than hysteria. also, mindrender is a good include for decks that try to combo you
The wave of apathy and the new Odds spell is really strong, I don’t think people are really realizing it yet. This deck also runs the acolytes. It’s just the style of this particular deck list. I didn’t create it, but had fun playing it as it has the ability to do a lot of swing turns and the ability to scam out wins without trying to be gimmicky (rally priest.)