Got to legend and some D5 to Legend stats

since DH all switched to Deathrattle (which i still think is a fairly overrated deck, sure it is strong on curve, but almost any proper deck is) there´s no combo anymore in standard and the only other thing she offered was maybe get the 1 in 1000 and swap into playing uncorrupted tickatus vs warlock, but mutanus and those pirate ladies do that far better.
Mindrender really is a horrible card for ladder.

These are some replays I pulled off my tracker of how the deck performs and beats Demon hunter. The last game is not deathrattle. Just remove the spaces to view them if you would like some examples and it would answer some of your questions. You will see Samuro in action in a few of them. Pay attention to decisions and discovers.

https: //hsreplay. net/replay/oyR3TrtiNooCEboi7GW4YS

https: //hsreplay. net/replay/wt5BErkd7khknDD6oEr84C

https: //hsreplay. net/replay/7JCAzpVUGR6CF3UpGqw9r9

https: //hsreplay. net/replay/Qi8EpuysLfcUY5r3L7MKpT

https: //hsreplay. net/replay/nvgjkLhHtTRgxFgpfZN383

https: //hsreplay. net/replay/Vsz6eUEGDiGiZCuEc5bimF

https: //hsreplay. net/replay/hs23ZGoes2WmNFsKLyn5nR

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just made it to legend (#4311) with my first deck (AAECAZ/HAhDIvgPOvgP+0QOY3gP63wPK4QP44wP74wOX6wOa6wOb6wPU7QOm7wPI7wOFnwSqoAQHk7oDm7oDr7oD3swD184D4t4DnusDAA==)

will give your vids a watch and probably try out the deck without samuro in it for fun, now that the climb is finally over for this month

Nice, yeah, I hit legend last night at number 2011. Samuro really is a great card, gets you out of some binds you otherwise wouldn’t be able to. And the list having a 62% win rate against dh (for me at least going to legend) which I noticed is now tier 1 is pretty impressive.

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did you check my stats? thats how horrible it is :slight_smile:

Otk dh still exist if have high mmr, its good against mage and rouge that tries to set up for burst, same is true against token druid. it also allows you to setup game on board and then give your opponent a hand that can break your board. heck, in my rank up game i played it for tempo on turn 3 to soley throw away his coin, it also gave me full info about his next 4 turns while he had to pass because my hand had nothing that could be played at 3 mana

yea, hit legends of a 9winstrak out of D3 after hitting a rough patch earlier today with a ton of hunters.

had been 5deathrattle DHs i think, if they can´t layer more than 2 8/8 the deck just does not have any fight in it and they just die, really don´t see how that deck will end up higher than low tier 2. I think the unbeatable feeling those cheap 8/8 into 7mana legendary into another 8/8 curves gives them just hides how badly they crumble if they are off that curves. I think it´s a bit like it was with spellmage after the nerfs were people just needed to see data from a few 10k games to come to terms with the reality that mage is pretty bad right now.

1hunter were i did not get apo and he did not get his curve and we had 5 rounds of topdeck battle till i finally killed him on 1hp, after that my last game in the climb had been a druid were i got really lucky that he apparently was to tired to math it out and surrender while i had been 1 of lethal right after i killed his 10/10 taunt despite lacking any answer to clowns the turn after.

wave and acolyte is standard in most priest lists atm since the amount of relevant sticky deathrattle minions have increased

Could be, but I hadn’t seen any other priests them yet this month. They are really nice to have and swing the board pretty well. You can even take bigger things later on. I liked them a lot.

mh, really liked the last demon hunters attempt to go with a weapon heavy build as i also feel the whole deathrattle package does do very little somehow (apart from al´ar, that thing is a terror to deal with as priest), really routed for the poor guy, seeing him die to a 10/10 and a runaway blackwing really felt kinda bad.

not really, you know its coming so you just need to make sure you dont waste removal and other ways to answer it early on. same thing with blackthorn and nzoth aswell as inquisitor

stop trolling pls, this had been a nice discussion, albeit a tad derailed into a priest one in the end.

?? the tread literally started as a priest thread. and how is it trolling to say that a 7/3 isnt an issue if you just plan ahead how to deal with it?

I’m not sure, but a’lar isnt just a 7/3. Its also a 0/3 after that comes back the next turn if not also dealt with. Might have been what he was getting at.

sure, but vs DR DH you usually save acolyte for it unless you absolutely need to play it to contest an early board. if its coming back turn after turn then something has gone terribly wrong with your gameplan (or you simply lacked a gameplan)

you just come across as being the best priest of all times never struggling with a turn because apparently you can magically preorder your draws so you have always the right resources at hand when a turn 5 al´ar gets slammed while you already had to extend some resources to keep the previous boards in check.
And it is exactly the planing ahead that makes Al´ar very dificult because the most important turns vs DH is being able to deal with the turn 7 board if they are on curve and potentially 2 8/8 follow ups - so you can´t just happily commit two cards to Al´ar most of the times and instead have to stall the board till you can use soul mirror or against all odds to clear more than just a 7/3…which often just makes it the right play to take 7dmg in the face for a turn.

And obviously it´s far from impossible, i get to legend by mostly slamming DHs with a 70%+winrate against them, but there´s a lot of difficult decision making involved to get to that winrate in the matchup, and apart from them just hitting all the 8/8s in a row the games i struggled the most had been al´ar on 5.

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so i tried the list a little, it feels a little more inconsistent than mine, as you are more reliant on combos and it runs out of spellgeneration more easily i think. And the Scoundrels are really hit or miss if you are under pressure and have no other good option in hand.
Samuro probably would have helped a tad i guess, put a naralex in there in the end.

but ofc in the end i probably just pilot my list better than that one.

It’s certainly a different list and style. I enjoyed it, and I hadn’t seen anyone else running it in my mirror matches. Glad you tried it out : ) Apparently one of the pros created it a week or so ago. I got the list from an Outofcards posting on deck ideas as mine weren’t going anywhere. Liked it and grinded it to legend. I usually get legend later in the month.

nah, thats gaby or zyrios.

if you want to get any decent results with priest its exactly what you need to do: plan ahead from turn 1 on how you are going to use your available resources, what discovers you should go for, if you are going for tempo or removal gameplan. there is a reason priest is unperforming at low ranks while being possibly the best deck in the game at high legend.

ah well, if a pro created it that explains a lot about it´s shortcomings. The scoundrels really have a lot of value in control matchups (which at least had been most of the EU pro meta the past weeks), but i feel like they are not pulling terribly much weight vs aggro (also not surprising the Player with the aggro lineup won EU playoffs). That being said i just won of a “robbed” Skull of Guldan vs another DH, so they do achieve sth.

It’s a blast against greedy decks and yes, it was setup to screw up control pretty bad according to who made it. I found those fun, and it has an edge in the priest mirror matches, which explains my positive win rate in the mirror (64%)

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