Goodbye Hearthstone, and a message to blizzard

I’m done with hearthstone. I had been playing since the grand tournament, and had a lot of fun with the game, but my play style of control has been dead for long time. There is little to no board interaction anymore, and as soon as you start trying to interact with the board it devolves into a spiral where you lose.

There is WAY too many discover effects. Discover use to be a one off thing that was fine because it was few, but now seemingly every effect allows you to discover an a card, it just overdone and tired.

I loved duels. You removed duels. I started becoming more jaded due to the removal of the game. You never listen to the community and when any fun interactions are discovered you remove it. There have been multiple problematic cards throughout the game such as having both counterspell and objection in the same format when there was no secret tech, shadow-step, etc. The game, like all blizzard games, have become overly meta to the point where if you aren’t playing a top 3 meta deck you have no chance on ladder, and all the games essentially become who can play by themselves the fastest, as there is no meaningful board interaction anymore.

Last point, the monetization of this game in egregious. I never complained about this game being paid to win, because all card games are inherently paid to win, but the amount of monetization of a DIGITAL card game is insane. Having to spend hundreds every xpac for a chance of the good epic and legenderies is ridiculous. I don’t care about the battle pass as it is mostly cosmetics, if you pay for them you know you’re wasting money. Honestly paying for random cards is stupid especially since it is online, we don’t own it, and you can change it at any point with no say from the community. If these were physical booster packs that’d be fine, but these are pixels on a screen. If blizzard charged an X amount to unlock all the card, you know like they do with the mini-sets, then it’d be fine. But we’re paying hundreds to fill out a collection while they’re still relevant. Just do what you do for mini sets with main sets. It’s simple, the tech is already there, and quite frankly might make the decaying corpse that is hearthstone less decayed.

This was my favorite game, and I’ve been trying to play with the shell of it former self for too long and it’s time for me to move on.

Good luck and hopefully this game becomes good again, I don’t foresee coming back. Blizzard if you even read or take anything from this actually listen to your community and not yourselves.


Good for you man! Go find something that you like.

It’s true, once you hit diamond it’s a nightmare. Legend has the best balancing since everyone has a ranking and matches as close to that as possible. With Diamond once you get to diamond 3 you are actually playing high rank Legendary players that have poor records but also have meta cards. Stupid system in Diamond if you ask me. Long live Leroy !!

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