Good Riddance to Auctioneer

They shouldn’t be. It’s an awful way to balance. Ridiculously awful.

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Well, it is something special in regards to how meaningless cards and aspects of this whole game can be that they are just a draw scene animation. lol

I understood the point you’re making, but you were and are still inconsistent trying to support your argument.

You can’t say they BARELY nerf Wild, and then follow up by saying they nerf everything proceeding OP thing once something is nerfed.

I think it’s ok to just let it go. Too many decks rely on this card to cycle out their deck and then otk, instead of using class cards in a fairer way. When priest, druid etc. use a general card to win games fast instead of relying on their own, there is an issue imo. This will surely open up more space in the future and maybe we will see more otk decks that are builded in many different ways.

As much as the nerf is deserved, the new Standard deck that utilizes Auctioneer has only been a thing for a few days, and ‘killing’ the deck that fast seems a bit unreasonable to me.

What about the people that spend dust to create the deck and don’t get any dust back because Blizzard decided to nerf Auctioneer only. (a Core card)

If Miracle Druid is getting nerfed, hopefully Naga Mage does so as well. This deck has been terrorizing the Standard Ladder for way longer.

Also … are we really back to playing Drum Druid then. It was fun having a new Druid deck on Ladder, i don’t understand this nerf being put into effect that fast.

But it’s only a tier 4 deck sadge

ye if they don’t touch other stuff that auctioneer, I’ll have another issue with the team.

Won’t someone please think of the slug brains who found a completely broken net deck to take them to rank 5.

You still don’t understand and I don’t have the time or patience to explain.

What’s wrong with net decks? Why wouldn’t players use what works and is proven to do well?

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they need to make it 8 mana or the the combos will still be there .

No, they need to nerf how it works.

Something like “After you cast a spell, draw a minion. After you play a minion, draw a spell.”

To the contrary, when players like myself predicted that little would be done to balance Wild (making Wild a trash can for broken cards), even before Wild was launched, the devs promised they would keep Wild balanced, but nearly no one believed them at the onset.

When it was announced the devs were abandoning creating new content for Mercenaries, the also said:

They should also give it the Naga tribe tag while they are at it.

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Why print cards like funnel cake, lifebinder, and that 3/2 that refreshes mana crystals if the second someone comes up with a deck that uses the mana cheating nonsense they nerf it?

Just more design stupidity. Autioneer wouldnt be a problem if they didnt print a bunch of mana cheating cards in the first place


They have already acknowledged in the past that they look at all the data from D5 to Legend when making nerfs that don’t involve feels. However, there have been a few select times when a change was made because of top Legend decks. It’s very rare though like Feels nerfs.

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There’s more to the game than win rate. There’s also the “game” aspect. The problem with auctioneer is that your opponent either has what they need in hand on turn 4 or 5, in which case they win, or they don’t, in which case they concede. That’s the very definition of solitaire. Your opponent doesn’t interact with anything you do on the board. On the turn when you have lethal damage on board, they either play the 25 card OTK combo or they concede. That’s not a game. It’s a total waste of time for the other player.


One turn kill decks kill in one turn. More news at 11.

Hearthstone as a game has an OTK issue. MTG solves this with counterspells and other various “no” cards usable on the opponent’s turn.

Hearthstone only really has secrets, and only mage actually disrupts the opponents game plan. If we had more counterspells, this would be okay, but we dont.

I don’t mind the concept of OTK, I just think too many players use it to play solitaire decks wherein they either draw their combo and play it, or don’t and concede. That’s not “gameplay” for the other player. OTK should be a potential win condition, among others. If devs see that people are building their entire deck around a single win condition and no actual games are being played when those decks are used, they should kill those decks with fire. Better to play against a bot than waste 5-7 turns doing things that have no bearing on the outcome, only for your opponent to either win or concede


No, no, you mind the concept of OTK. You either like it or you don’t like it, don’t try to stand in the gray area.

There’s no gray area. If we’re playing an actual game, where I defeat the opponent before he gets his OTK sometime after turn 6, then we’ve played a game.

If we just go five turns, with nothing I do mattering, and on turn 5 my opponent either kills me or concedes because he doesn’t have his OTK in hand, that’s solitaire.