Good Riddance to Auctioneer

This card has been single handedly ruining wild for years even before Tony Druid was a thing 6 months ago. Now that its been broken in Standard for only a few days the devs suddenly woke up and realize that losing on turns 4-5 to a deck that basically requires zero setup is problematic for the game. I’ve been playing Wild today for only an hour and I’ve already been killed by this OTK on turn 4 I think five times because now everyone is spamming this deck before Auctioneer gets killed.

Good riddance, this is the most toxic card in the game right now hands down and it needs a complete rework otherwise Druid will always be a problem in Wild, let alone Standard for a week.


“Wild” is just that. Devs made it clear when wild was added that there wasn’t going to be much “balancing” going on in wild. It’s wild. It’s in the name.


I disagree with that sentiment and anyone that is a proponent of it is a sadist.


(8 Year Old Hashtag That’s Still Running)


It really does need a mega-nerf. It’s one of many cards in wild that is oppressing wild but Zeddy just pointed out it’s starting to show signs of being an issue in standard now. The introduction of Lasher in Druid is creating that same non-interactive gameplay in standard and I think that’s the reason they finally had enough.

In Wild you can OTK on turn 4/5 CONSISTENTLY. You can even do it on turn 3 if you get a great draw. It’s not fun at all.


It’s WILD. What part of that is so hard to understand? The devs were quite clear as to what that mode was.

Do you even know what the chances are that a deck gets the perfect draw to turn 3 kill?

I’ll give you a hint. It’s not high. And that’s only IF your opponent doesn’t have a counter. And yes, even at turn 2 or 3, there are counters. Even if it’s something as simple as a 2/1 taunt. As a face hunter player I’ve been stopped cold in my tracks with a simple and small taunt minion.

Like Dev’s needed to make a card to cheat draw a wide multitude of decks? This card has always been a scourge to Hearthstone. If the Devs actually cared from the start, none of this chaos would’ve ever happened. They could’ve just made players start with an extra card instead of making stuff like this, and what the game devolved into now where you can generate infinite value or another card from almost every decent card that are each an already good-stat minion.


Im not sure how many more times I can say this before I realize y’all just don’t get it.

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hi , they need to do something fast , auctionneer is making the game feels like playing solitaire …

You mean THAT deck not just ANY deck. And I very specifically said you can do it on turn 3 with a great draw. That’s the highroll. The turn 4/5 OTK is NOT a highroll.

You know how I know it’s a real problem? It’s literally getting nerfed.

You can argue all you want until you’re blue in the face. Fact is, the dev team disagrees with you.


That card is old as heck.

So yes. During it’s time it was fun and created decks that are fun and powerful like the first incarnation of miracle rogue.

Some cards like him just increase in power based on external factors .

And sincerely it’s kinda past time for blizzard to start to implement the once a turn type of effect so we can get Cool aura effects without have to make cards with they go to unplayable costs just to prevent loops.

There’s nothing miraculous about cheating. To me, Miracle Rogue was another name for “Exploit Rogue” or “Exploit Gadjetzan, Edwi, Conceal and Leeroy Rogue”.

I agree with your sincerity.


We are talking about basically other times when we talk about decks that old.

I think that the most important point to get here is a real position on how much complex hearthstone should be allowed to get.
I understand it for sure not goes all the way into rocket science but at same time stuff that basically plays itself alone is actively hurting even the players it is supposed to help.
By making they unable to learn.

So reign the learn curve of the game with both a limit of how basic a deck can be and about how convoluted some decks can get is necessary if we don’t want to return that type of discussion all time.

This is where aura effects enter.
Infinite combos are near impossible if you don’t allow effects to be used multiple times a turn.
And i think it’s for the better so we can have powerful effects being print rather than get scared of even the minimal aura effects like sorcerer’s apprentice for example.

We not need some dumb global rule either. Just a case by case fix with the text would be enough.

The thing is, folks, that if we were talking about standard you’d all have an argument. But we’re talking about Wild, not standard, and wild is exactly that. A mode where all cards are available and 9 times out of ten the devs aren’t going to “balance” anything. If they did, something else would be OP. Then that gets nerfed and something else becomes OP. Then that gets nerfed and it’s a non-stop free fall of cards getting the nerf-bat until wild is just standard without a few extra cards. Hypothetically speaking.

Personally, I’d rather that not happen. If y’all can’t handle wild then stick to standard or twist.

Quick question for those who’re arguing for wild nerfs. Were you guys here when wild was introduced or did you show up after it was already an established mode? No hate. All players are welcome to me. Keeps the game going. I’m just curious.

The entire idea behind “let wild be wild and let broken things be broken” is a failed argument. Why? Because people play wild. If a deck is creating a huge negative experience, it needs to be addressed.

What if there was a combo that allowed you to OTK someone turn 1 80% of the time? Would that be ok in wild? If you answer NO then ask yourself why you answered no. Is it because you at least want it to be somewhat balanced so that bad interactions don’t happen? Then congratulations, now you know why the devs will nerf Auctioneer.

This whole mentality that Wild should be broken combos that create negative experiences simply because it’s Wild is some of the worst takes I’ve ever heard. You either want the mode to be playable and enjoyable for as many people as possible or you don’t.

I’ve been playing since Beta. Wild is simply a mode where you can play with older cards from the collection you’ve obtained in a ranked format. It doesn’t have to be completely broken. It SHOULDN’T be completely broken.

If they wanted a pure broken mode they’d make a pure broken mode where nothing ever gets nerfed and turn 1 otk combos exist. That mode doesn’t exist, and if it did people wouldn’t even bother to play it because that’s not what people want.

And if your argument is “well…turn 1 OTK shouldn’t exist” then all you are doing is moving goal posts on what YOU think is broken. Should turn 2 otk exist? turn 3? 4? 5? All you are arguing for then is what YOU deem acceptable. It’s clear that the devs don’t want extremely early OTKs to exist. Thus, Auctioneer is getting hit.


For the most part, there should be some sort of capsize, maximum, or limit on all or most cards. Have you seen any infinites in real life? If not, then why should Hearthstone have infinites?
Kibler designed the WoW TCG, and simply put, we say “CARDS SHOULD COST MANA.” Likewise, drawing should have some sort of limit with some sort of cost as well (like waiting till next turn to draw another card). In fact, everything should have some sort of cost, no matter how insignificantly tiny.

We’ve seen the contrast of infinites VS non-infinites. We know it’s bad. We’ve known it was bad for 8 years. Now fix it, or push for them fixing it.

Wild shouldn’t be “wild” in the way that it is now. Wild could even be renamed to “Retro.”

I was here. I felt like it was an at least awkward decision because of how it felt irresponsible towards their own game and creations being played out fairly in the long-run with their current model at that time for implementing balance changes (which was to do it rarely and as little as possible).

@Schyla You make good points.

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This is interesting and the answer is plain and simple.

Hearthstone design in itself always had that direction.

The game itself did thrive by creating cards that challenge what good design is.

I know that we are talking about infinites but this not applies only to that.
We can back for example to renathal.

Putting decks of different sizes and trying to balance they by giving the deck with more cards extra health that is probably a first on CCG history.
Or when they created jade idol being the first card in the game to completely prevent your deck to be out of cards.

It not appears but hearthstone design is really on the hardcore side.
Because it is always challenging the boundaries of what good design is to bring cards that are exciting.

If a designer can’t walk that tightrope it is just not good enough to even think about being on team 5. Because this is what they do daily when you take a serious look on hearthstone cards.

You are incredibly inconsistent

First, you say they the devs will not balance Wild 9/10 times, but then you proceed to say they will nerf the next OP thing each time. 10% isn’t the same thing as 100% as you are implying.

should be tossed right to wild, this is standard, I’m not supposed to die to a druid pulling the entire deck on turn 4, with a 1 mana WF weapon doing 26 dmg ending the game.