Good Riddance to Auctioneer

Where’s this info about auctioneer anyway?


I’d like to know this too.

Also. Auctioneer may be a problem card but the Druid deck that runs it is absolutely awful (I know as it was the first deck I played upon mini set release).

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probably this twee… i mean this X

ht tps://

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Lol. Miracle Druid is so bad in Standard that it loses to all 3 DK decks.

That’s impressive levels of badness.

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Doesnt matter if it’s bad or op. the fact that it can end a game faster than a mech rogue is not good for standard.

Yes it does, it does this so infrequently that it literally loses to every deck in the game except Enrage Warrior at Legend. It gets beaten by homebrews it’s so bad.

Miracle druid is killing my Curselock easily if I don’t mill their ignis.

So is everything else.

I jest.

Props to you for playing Curselock despite it being in a questionable place. I’ve loved it since it first launched. Was even better with Tickatus in it.

Oh so the 6 mana card is the problem and not the infinite 1/0 mana cards that allow it to cycle through the deck. I guess the solution is just to make auctioneer 0 mana!


I changed the wording to help readers better understand what I’m trying to say.

Win rate is not the only metric used for nerfs, hasnt been an a LONG time, if ever.

Maybe not, but it should be.

No, it shouldnt be. Play experience is just as, if not more, important.

That just proves how dumb HS players can be though doesnt it? They’d rather lose to a “fair” deck 70% of the time than a high roll from a bad deck 3% of the time

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Not at all. People complain about unenjoyable experiences. Thats how Paladin has gotten away with some many borderline OP decks for so long - they are rarely popular enough to become a problem due to the “green card, go” nature of most of them making them boring to play as.

You can have a perfectly balanced game, but it means squat if no ojnes playing because its not fun to play. Thats why more than win rate is considered for balance.

Hearthstone doesn’t push “Creative” design as much as they push players with design.

The most creative cards they ever made were Zephrys, Ysera, and Elite Tauren Chieftain (also maybe the Band Manager Tauran).


I’m sick of people “spewing this stupid nonsense” when other players are SEEING THEIR OPPONENTS DRAW THEIR WHOLE DECK WITH A SINGLE CARD!!
It’s like you take a math test in school with 100 problems, but some kid gets a straight A mark for only putting their name and answering one of the 100 questions.

You don’t know if its s bad deck or players failing to pilot it, afterall savjz climbed hard on it. Might be a strong but difficult deck. Making weaker players scew the data.

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The real issue is Ignis. A 1 mana windfury weapon is all they need from him.

Druids have enough methods to hit like 20 attack, which isn’t an issue. But give that 20 attack windfury, and yeah, that’s a problem.

Auctioneer may enable them to cycle through their deck to find the cards, but the cards they need to find could use a thwack.

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Don’t think Savjz has played a decent deck since he was good looking and living in Europe.

Even at Legend the WR is super poor. It only beats enrage warrior consistently.

It’s an awful deck, full stop.

I don’t know why people find it worse to lose to than rogue stealth windfury, Hunter burn, Mage burn, Odyn 1 shot etc…

I think people just see the 100 cards drawn and think it’s something special.

It’s not.

I’ve played the deck. Druid is my most played class. It’s absolutely dogs**t.

It even loses to control priest. Loses to all DKs. I mean. How?

I have been playing pure dude Paladin recently and i ran into this deck a few times. At first i wasn’t sure what they were doing because i ran them over constantly with DS on my minions. I eventually saw one make it to turn 7 because i had a below average mulligan. too bad he still lost.

This nerf has been a long time coming. It’s good to see they are going to finally address a card that has honestly held back design.

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