Golden Steamcleaner should be earnable

I was shocked to realize that golden Steamcleaner- despite being available in the free section of the CN reward track- is not earnable via a corresponding achievement which, to my knowledge, makes it the only non-legendary reward track card that doesn’t have the golden version available via achievements after a tavern pass has retired

I made a thread a while back suggesting that golden cards shouldn’t ever be unobtainable. Diamonds/Signatures? Fine. But I don’t see a reason why golden copies for every card shouldn’t be available.

The only exceptions to the rule should be ETC from Blizzcon (which they only did this one time for this very reason) and the golden legendary from playing alpha/beta (can’t remember his name) and I wouldn’t even be mad if those were made obtainable in some way

I honestly couldn’t care less about signatures and diamonds being FOMO, but golden cards should be made available at all times in some way

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