Golden packs do NOT follow pity timer rules

Each pack should have one guaranteed rare and epic. What is it hurting that this isnt happening.

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You get on average one legendary every 20 packs, but the maximum number of packs you can open before getting a legendary (the pity timer) is 40 packs.


I feel lucky then. Just came back recently from about 2+ years off Hearthstone and bought the bundle. Got a golden Deathwing. Guess I need to buy a lottery ticket now.

No, that’s not how statistics works.

Maybe since they are golden and there is no pity timer and they are very limited in quantity that they have a higher chance to roll higher rarity cards?

Hmmm, then this means that the golden pack deal ain’t just bad, it’s outright terrible and non-worth.

You would expect that for a 15$/€ deal they would at least have a pity timer to ensure that their customers wouldn’t have a chance to get screwed. After all, you have to make a customer feel like the money he spent had an ensured minimum of value, in order to continue make him spending.

I believe that a pity timer does not exist because so far a golden pack existed only in rewards or promos, and never on a purchasable state. But that’s not an excuse when you decide that you will put it a 15$/€ bundle. Your product has to meet certain expectations, and the pity timer is one of them.

That’s possible, but still, a pity timer should be mandatory. Even with higher chance for legendaries, you can get screwed without a pity timer.


That “fool me once” clip by Bush Jnr would be apt about now.

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It was never a good deal for the cards. It’s still a decent deal for the dust.


While it’s debatable if the deal is decent or not, I can agree that it’s centered around dust gains.

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I’m going to wait until I get 2 more packs because I’ve only ever opened 8 so my Legendary could easily be in the next two packs.

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Please post here how that works out for you, because I have 4 golden packs left before I reach 10 and was planning to spend whatever to get them, expecting the Legendary. If you don’t get one, I guess that proves the Blizzard person correct, and I won’t spend that money.


I got pretty crappy cards,
8 packs in, no epic even…
not that mad as even tho I hate the game and comany, I spend a good couple mins. every day and get a lot of good aha moments.
its worth $15 a year, as I don’t spend on anything else.
would be nice to get some type of refund, that is scam.

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Absolutely. I just need another bundle or a reward for a Solo Adventure haha.

Same here.

My pack combinations were:

Rare x1, Common x4: 5
Rare x2, Common x3: 1

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Thanks! Here’s the luck I wish you: I hope within the first 2 packs of the bundle you don’t get a Legendary, to prove that no pity timer exists. Then I hope you get multiple leggos in the next one :smile:



Literally everyone thinks these have the first 10 pity timer. Now that lots of people have bought this, Blizzard is like “oops no pity timer on gold packs.”

Blizzard owes these people for what they reasonably thought they were buying.

(Disclaimer: I didn’t buy it.)


If you open 6 packs and no epic, it has no pity timer !
Because you should hit the epic pity timer, if it has one.

(Disclaimer: I didn’t buy it.)

Seriously can Blizzard listen to customers and not always act as greedy stupid littles kids sometimes? Stop releasing that kind of bullchit pay to win crap that cost 20 boxes, which is itself a not much expensive game cost already? Balance more your stuff if you wanna that I stay on your game and not reclaimn a funding for mass disatisfaction so far for the many years I played your games such as WoW and this one. I spent money in your games, I left Wow cause you were not focusing like you always do on the customers need and claims, I will gladly leave that one and claim a kind of refund as selling my account if needed and you will not stop me from doing that.

Are you complaining about Blizzard selling card packs for a digital card game?

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Further, I think the sale of this bundle is probably illegal, because people obviously thought they were buying concrete progress towards a golden legendary, not lotto tickets.

The epic pity timer is 10 packs. 5 is the average pull rate, just like 20 is for legendaries.