Gold count off by 5 due to quests that had old value

So back in the day there use to be quests that ended in 5 and 15 gold. Now its possible to have 95 gold which is very frustrating to always have 45 gold that you cant do anything with.

I would either like to see the 5 gold added to the accounts OR the option to Round DOWN I know some of us just can’t stand that things are not ending in an even number and always having gold sitting there is very frustrating to some of us. If your not gonna give me the stupid 5 gold it takes to make it even can you at least give me the option to round down so my gold count stays even?

That’s less of a technical problem, and more of psychological issue. And I may have 100 gold and need 2000; same problem; rounder numbers only.

Arena (and duels, RIP) rewards can give you X5 gold
So if you really want to round it up you can complete some arena runs and pray for it to give the correct amount
Which also means that someone with 200 gold can end up with 185 after playing arena, putting them in your situation