Go watch the world championship - free packs

Hey guys the greatest card game world championship is about to begin to begin and as a aded bonus you can free packs.

Hearthstone is stil the best card game out there lets go give our support to our faveroute players :slight_smile:

Although i am from eu region i am hoping somone from na can win because it would be nice for them :slight_smile:


No thank you. There are better shows out there.


I stil thnk its the best card game out there yeh some days im abit down when i
get a losstreak :smiley: but i get over it eventualy but hearthone is my go to game i will always be a blizzard fan to the end :slight_smile:

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Do you really think you’re going to get something for free from Blizzard?? There was a problem with me once when I went to receive the drops on YouTube and to this day I never waste time to watch anything else!!

It was signaled that after this championship the nerfs and buffs would come! I’m just waiting for this new card update patch!! Paladin will definitely be nerfed!! The 3 top tier 1 decks are of the paladin class.

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Activision Blizzard.
Blizzard died long ago. At that moment i was a fan to. Today its all about Pay to win in there games.

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yes 2 packs theats point of the thread …dont forget to link your account again if you reset/change passwords

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I’ve already opened more than 40 packs with the game’s gold and so far I haven’t received a legendary card, but a golden epic has arrived instead! Now buying with money comes many legendary cards!! Anyone who plays this game for free is very boring!!

boring why ? you get at around 3 4 legendaries in 60 packs

I bought that kit of 2 legendary + 10 packs of the standard + 10 packs of the latest collection. I received 4 legendary ones and one of them came in gold!! I’m thinking about whether I’m going to spend it here on Hearthstone or on Steam, at Christmas time, everything on Steam is only worth 20% of the original price!!
Spending money on cards and then you realize that even though you have the cards, the game only gives you a 50% chance of winning!!

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thats ok then thats what is expected


Another thing who is expected is you buying more packs. Only 49.99£ and you can reatch 1 rank higher . worth every penny.

i forgot mention something

if your accounts are unlinked because you reseted your twitch/battlenet password on the blizzard account menu youll see you are still connected but you really arent

the only way to make sure is click on disconnect
youll get a warning telling you there is a 7 day cooldown before connecting to a new account

but dont worry this only applies when trying to connect your blizzard acccount to new twitch one but there is no cooldown if you connect to the same one

so disconnect

reconnect to the same one

So the tendency will be for me to NOT spend money here and take advantage of the GREAT offers on Steam!
Because in the end this game is a huge waste of time and effort! Not to mention the stress generated!
I really like the comment from the YouTuber called Trump and he’s not playing Hearthstone, because the cards that were released are bad and the whole game is bad!!

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I didn’t realize the world series of poker was on right now.

: D

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I got my pack yesterday just make sure your account is connected to battlenet on twitch.


It is bugged. I am watching since the start today, and the pack progression is stuck at 55%. And according to the stream chat, I am not alone.


I have bot my packs you should get a notification about gettig the drop also check if your browser is still supported by twitch i had to switch from opera to google chrome becaus twitch no longer support it.

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I got pack yesterday without any issue. Same browser today, stuck progress, no pack. I feel scammed.


I know it’s too late now but in the future if progress has begun and later gets stuck, refreshing the browser generally fixes it.

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