Give Nerfed Titan Yogg more Health?

I know Yogg-Saron’s general flavor stats across all his appearances has always been a 7/5, But being a Titan now I feel like he’d need more Health for survivability so there’s a higher possibility he’d be able to do multiple of his Titan abilities (Much like the other Titans).
This was partially balanced by his old passive making him cost less, being less a sacrifice for the potentially big effect with only one titan ability (Except for Rogue bouncing but that’s just how Rogue is).
Now with his new passive, I feel like it has more potential to just destroy itself with only one pay-off ability with such a low amount of health. Maybe give them a little more health akin to the other titans? I dunno, maybe I’m overthinking things right now.

When I called Yogg a “Titan”, I meant more so the keyword rather than the title so my apologies to the lore lovers!

Yogg saron is not a titan and he NEVER will be, he is a very ancient god enemy of the titans. The titans have a humanoid form while Yogg Saron has the form of a foul slug.

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Well then why does he have the titan keyword in bold

Because Activision doesn’t know the history of Blizzard games.

Activision = they just suck.

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Hearthstone bends wow continuity and lore all the time. That’s kinda part of the point. If you wanted perfect lore accuracy of wow, thennnnn go play wow I guess? lol

They used all the titans and then used the keyword as a flavor for larger than life entities that have multiple abilities. It’s a good and nuanced mechanic like colossal and it’s been a great keyword.

Since the game is based on WoW, it should be matched with it’s lore… I have to agree… Yogg saron was never be a Titan… It’s just an old God with the power of Chaos… About the nerf, yes… it could get more HP now because of it’s no mana cheat anymore… but players will find other way to cheat him out so rather not… Titans is a great keyword, yes… but not for an old God… I can’t feel sorry for all who abused this unbalanced card… I learned to dodge it instead… didn’t use it just because most of decks did… Only the incompetency of the developers caused this trouble again… Just move on… and hope they will learn from their mistakes slowly… I just can’t understand why do they have to experiement out everything on us… and even expect money for the game… Feels like we are Beta testers… for free… TEST THINGS OUT ALREADY BEFORE RELEASE! :angry:

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